[分享] 林昱珉MLB.com球探報告(響尾蛇農場第15)

看板Baseball標題[分享] 林昱珉MLB.com球探報告(響尾蛇農場第15)作者
時間推噓57 推:57 噓:0 →:36

Yu-Min Lin
ETA 2025

Fastball: 50 | Curveball: 55 | Slider: 50
Changeup: 60 | Control: 55 | Overall: 45

Lin has ample international experience, having played for Chinese Taipei in
multiple World Cups, including most recently in the U-23 edition last year
when he was just 18 years old. The southpaw led his country in strikeouts
with 14 over 8 2/3 innings after going up against teams from Cuba and
Venezuela. Impressed by his stuff and ability against older competition, the
D-backs signed Lin for $525,000 last December and have become only more
enamored with him since. Lin struck out 41 batters over 23 innings in the
Arizona Complex League this summer, prompting a move to Single-A Visalia
shortly after his 19th birthday.

At a listed 5-foot-11, 160 pounds, Lin looks lithe on the mound, but he makesthe most out of a high leg kick and energetic delivery to bring multiple
pitches to the table. His fastball is 90-93 mph right now, but Arizona is
hopeful more velo is coming as he fills out. Where Lin thrives most is in hisability to manipulate the ball. His curveball -- his best pitch entering pro
ball -- has lots of depth and break, but it’s the changeup (and his ability
to add and subtract velocity as needed) that has Arizona officials most
excited. Lin also adds in a slider, splitter and sometimes a screwball-like
pitch to keep hitters constantly guessing.

Because he doesn’t overthrow, Lin has shown a promising ability to throw
strikes early on. Entering early August, he’s gotten swings-and-misses on
38.5 percent of his pitches, proving just how befuddled hitters have been
against him early on. The velo will need to come against upper-level bats,
but the kitchen-sink approach makes him an intriguing young, starting option.


評價滿不錯的欸 加油~


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sw96210801/06 15:12都2302年了應該不會有人不知道滿分是80吧

Puye01/06 15:13一樓未來人

pounil01/06 15:13讓他升2A

CMPunk01/06 15:13水啦玉米

lpig30120101/06 15:132302年的未來人可以告訴小弟2023年WBC冠軍是誰嗎

suzhou01/06 15:14未來人可以告訴我新竹下面還有埋什麼嗎

BBOYstyle1001/06 15:15問就是大秘寶

DannySalazar01/06 15:15這其實沒有更新啊!和季中的內容是完全一樣的

k3353601/06 15:16一樓1A3B

pounil01/06 15:16可以告訴我下期威力彩號碼嗎

k3353601/06 15:16數字重複的我不玩

Puye01/06 15:171A3B 還有人懂嗎

akiraje01/06 15:19加油啊 話說響尾蛇農場大概算哪種程度的呢?

TRosenthal01/06 15:21蛇的農場算頂尖那群,至少前五,而且還有幾個今年已

TRosenthal01/06 15:21經上去的優質SP新秀

jerry0011601/06 15:22蛇農場去年季中排名第五

TRosenthal01/06 15:22Drey、Henry、Ryne、Pffaadt明年應該都會在大聯盟開

TRosenthal01/06 15:22季,可以追蹤看看

jerry0011601/06 15:24國西之後會滿好看的,除了操作一直很謎的洛磯以外,其

jerry0011601/06 15:24他幾隊都不差

Godofthebutt01/06 15:26加油

akiraje01/06 15:26對欸響尾蛇近期都有升上去的優秀球員 感謝各位回應我

beautyptt01/06 15:29全部都很高分 就是身材

Lemon48701/06 15:31這報告有夠像胡智為

CHRush01/06 15:34讓他升 讓他升

vvw555501/06 15:342302年國慶退休了嗎

abc092200101/06 15:36加油,我還是很想看投手上大聯盟

nolimits01/06 15:4335人名單有他嗎?

nrxadsl01/06 15:47可以哦

Werth01/06 15:49球探認為層級往上需要提升球速 身材大概還會改造

Werth01/06 15:51推測他的變化球控制的優異程度 可能讓他今年就摸到3A

alrin89120201/06 15:51看來應該跟曾仁和很像? 靠控球跟變化球

alrin89120201/06 15:52更高階的話沒有速球就會碰到困難了

zxc90638301/06 15:52今年摸到3A很快欸

timchiu101/06 15:52他那個總分的標準到底是什麼 各項分數都等於或高於平均

timchiu101/06 15:52不是嗎

jerry0011601/06 15:53如果用先發養今年就摸到3A太快了吧XD

zxc90638301/06 15:53這蠻常見的吧XD

sinomin01/06 15:54去美國之後有變壯,不然高中時有點單薄

alexenderpp01/06 15:56劉致榮跟鄧今年沒什麼突破

BBOYstyle1001/06 15:58單項評分可以依據速度、威力評分

BBOYstyle1001/06 15:58但總分就會把體力、球商、個性納入考量

akiraje01/06 15:59AAA也太快WOW

paulkk01/06 15:5950分大聯盟平均水準 60分高於大聯盟平均水準

hexokinase01/06 16:00為什麼整體低於平均啊

paulkk01/06 16:0160就代表有明星潛力了

jerry0011601/06 16:01就球探認為的天花板,當然實際造化看選手自己

paulkk01/06 16:01身材吧......

johnson4401/06 16:02看來變速球不錯喔?

paulkk01/06 16:04像曾仁和也曾經有過一項60分 不過上大聯盟臉發白 也難怪總

paulkk01/06 16:04和剩45

Stras3701/06 16:06

BBOYstyle1001/06 16:06舉個極端一點的例子

BBOYstyle1001/06 16:07假設有一個美式足球選手來能丟170的快速球

chdc01/06 16:0745就是覺得他在大聯盟當sp有困難 可能是身材

BBOYstyle1001/06 16:07但因為他就是美式足球選手,不會其他的變化球

BBOYstyle1001/06 16:08甚至連續丟球撐一局都有困難

BBOYstyle1001/06 16:08縱使因為球速有170 快速球可以給到80分

BBOYstyle1001/06 16:08我想應該不會有人覺得這個人的overall能拿到幾分吧

Stras3701/06 16:09林昱珉真的很有毅力 自己想旅外的 還投到變農場大物

beautyptt01/06 16:09續航力呀 這些指標裏就沒有

windletterz01/06 16:1060已經是很好的分數了

beautyptt01/06 16:11壘上有人就投起來走鐘啊 望向.....

chris011201/06 16:13還不錯啊

ryan2110087901/06 16:17話說潘文輝的合約怎麼還沒公佈 印象中有說1月會公佈

rayisgreat01/06 16:17推,很看好。

sinomin01/06 16:23145的左投沒辦法旅外?這種話也就524自己講爽的而已

sinomin01/06 16:24查了一下簽約金60萬鎂

lovedenmark01/06 16:31球速再加油啊~

chdc01/06 16:33新額度1/15開簽

showgun556601/06 16:38速球均速有個mid 90大概就有機會了

furudelika01/06 16:411A3B XD

a093748036001/06 16:461/15之後應該有幾位新簽的旅外球員會公布

georgehsu11901/06 16:591樓可以告訴我,下輩子我是有錢人嗎?

tfe01/06 17:12林沒有參加u23吧

b1401103001/06 17:17overall 45挺不錯的了

sfw019901/06 17:28加油

chdc01/06 17:29他有打過u23阿 21年去墨西哥 10月打完12月就簽約了

AhCheng01/06 17:46蛇蛇的農場還蠻猛的,玉米這評價不錯

Arens556601/06 17:51經典戲碼來了,整體只有平均水準還是硬要吹還不錯

kaube01/06 17:53變速這麼猛喔

poru01/06 17:54左投又側投就算沒先發當後援也很好用

danson661401/06 18:20快接近大聯盟平均水準還不能說不錯喔?

k8556401/06 18:2460前段了

reactTW01/06 18:57這評價很不錯了啊

AAaaron01/06 19:04整體只有大聯盟平均別人覺得不錯不行嗎?

yyj031701/06 19:40這ID就來釣魚的

ganbaru01/06 20:19還有最低分是20

ganbaru01/06 20:21記得在OOTP中45應該是黃色的?

elic257701/06 20:59上了再說,多少打明日之星又回來的

zx246800tw01/06 22:14Overall 45算高了

powernba01/07 09:36預測大聯盟平均水準你說很差?

sHakZit7501/07 10:41林昱珉加油 蛇蛇加油