[分享] Harper參與MrBeast影片:敗給12歲網紅
獲勝的話能拿到10萬美金獎金,其中Bryce Harper是其中一位
MrBeast, the highly popular YouTuber, released his latest video Saturday and it's a collaboration with some of the world's top athletes taking on regular people in various competitions.
Seven-time Super Bowl champion Tom Brady, Olympic gold medalist Noah Lyles, Philadelphia Phillies slugger Bryce Harper, two-time U.S. Open golf champion BrysonDeChambeau, and soccer legend Cristiano Ronaldo all take part.
Each contestant could take home $100,000 if they won their event. If they lost,the money would go to a charity of the athlete's choice.
Here's the full event listing, which saw a few of them end up closer than you might assume.
High school quarterback Jake took on Brady in an event where the winner had to pop four balloons from various yardages away.
MrBeast's friend, Jonah, took on Lyles in a 200-meter race. Lyles later would race online streamer IShowSpeed in a 50-meter sprint.
Social media sensation Big Justice faced off with Harper in a home run derby.
Amateur golfer Aaron battled with DeChambeau on a single golf hole to see who could get a better score.
Finally, Ronaldo took on soccer fan Khalid in the $1 million target shootout.
Tom Brady(美足)
Noah Lyles(田徑)
Bryce Harper(棒球)
Bryson DeChambeau(高爾夫球)
Cristiano Ronaldo(足球)
哈波是和12歲網紅Big Justice比全壘打大賽
MrBeast最近爭議不少 但似乎沒太大影響
最近還好吧 之前根本燒不起來
粉絲量大成這樣 除非真的嚴重犯法不然根本沒影響
反正受眾都是小孩 劇本也沒差
MrBeast 已經黑了
之前才因為lunchly燒爛 哪可能沒黑
他影片就是要送錢的啊 當然讓超大
真的黑了 跟c羅影片一天只有6000萬觀看
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