Re: [討論] 為什麼Aaron Judge要到24歲才升上大聯盟
It wasn't always that way. As a senior at Linden HS in California, the now-outfielder played first base. At a position known as a hub for power bats, Judge's didn't stand out.
The scout rated his power a 4 on the 2-8 scouting scale, indicating that this 17-year-old iteration of Judge possessed below-average power despite already standing at his current height of 6-foot-7. Though the notes indicate that he had above-average raw power, the overall summary of Judge-the-high-schooler didn't even mention his power.
It would be inconceivable now, in the year 2017, to pen a six-sentence summary of Judge and omit his power. In 2010, that was what happened.
We also know that Judge is one of the best teammates out there. He's so good inthat facet that he's even drawn comparisons to Derek Jeter.
Returning to the scouting report from high school, Judge received an "excellent" rating for emotional maturity. There has never been a 17-year-old male in history with excellent emotional intelligence. At least, there wasn't until Aaron Judge turned 17 in 2009.
Lastly, all scouting reports come down to an evaluation of a player's OFP -- his overall future projection. OFP is based on the 20-80 scouting scale, where a grade of 50 would indicate an average Major League player. Even the lanky, below-average powered, first-base version of Judge received an OFP of 54. Even at his least appealing -- a first baseman without great power -- Judge was seen as an above-average player down the road.
潛在力量要怎麼看阿 看他體格嗎?
美吉國谷都是人品好 球就打得好的代表嗎?
就從身材跟打擊練習看出來的吧 不一定能轉換到比賽中
討論區本來就是這樣用的 沒這問題 多少人能看到這篇??
多少人自己在MLB 2017年看過這文的
看起來是 評價不是頂尖的 隱玉概念
有點像大王 高中時打得不錯但沒到入選國手 長打是進大
推 這篇當下法官正在當全壘打王 3/4/6 OPS逼近1.1
法官是raw tool好 而且還長超過預期的例子(大學成績
也沒有多突出 但看得出EV高 潛力不錯) 坦白說 像他這
樣的新秀真的十分罕見 甚至他剛上大聯盟那年的表現
還讓他的價值掉不少 隔年居然變聯盟最頂尖打者之一
[炸裂] Aaron Judge昨天法官狠狠的炸了巨人兩發 今天一上來又壓不住右手的力量了 狠狠的炸出牆 纏鬥到第九顆 偏低的變速掉到法官喜歡的位置爆
[炸裂] Aaron Judge法官炸裂 一發三分打點全壘打 本季第19轟 洋基3:1領先巨人 法官19轟領先全大聯盟60
[討論] 如果大谷真的去藍鳥這樣他會變成跟小V葛當隊友 是不是會有點尷尬XD 畢竟小V葛2022年挺法官拿MVP的言論引發不小爭議 以下原文 "To be honest, I think if they give it to Shohei Ohtani it will be another steal. Aaron Judge's numbers are way above Ohtani's. Ohtani is an excellent player, but for me, the MVP has to be Aaron Judge."29
[情報] 洋基法官達成共識,19M避免薪資仲裁來源:ESPN記者Buster Olney In recent days, the Yankees proposed to settle the Aaron Judge arbitration case at the midpoint between the player and team proposal -- at $19m. Judge's side de clined. He's betting on himself in this hearing, as well.26
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