[分享] Gary Sanchez 被巨人釋出

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SF Giants release former Yankees, Twins catcher Gary Sánchez
Former New York Yankees and Minnesota Twins catcher Gary Sánchez has been released by the SF Giants after exercising the opt-out in his deal.

Former New York Yankees and Minnesota Twins catcher Gary Sánchez was released by the SF Giants on Monday. Sánchez signed a minor-league deal with the Giants in early April, and there was an expectation that he could quickly find his way to the MLB roster. However, he struggled mightily at Triple-A, hitting .164/.319/.182 with 19 strikeouts in 69 plate appearances. While he was cut by the organization, Andrew Baggarly and Ken Rosenthal of The Athletic reported that he exercised the May 1st opt-out in his contract.

Sánchez was once a top young catcher in MLB with the Bronx Bombers. A former top-100 prospect, Sánchez exploded onto the majors as a rookie in 2016, hitting 20 home runs in just 53 games with an elite .299/.376/.657 triple-slash. Over the next three years, Sánchez racked up at least 30 home runs in a season twice and earned two All-Star selections.

Gary Sanchez aka.海怪 今年剛加盟巨人
去年 MLB還有16轟,可以吧


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benson5091305/03 16:51福來喜的釘子來了

arthurhsu12305/03 16:51富邦要了

k38547691605/03 16:51來兄弟啊

※ 編輯: Y225 ( 臺灣), 05/03/2023 16:52:00

polanco05/03 16:52桑來喜

Y22505/03 16:52就叫三七四?

citpo05/03 16:53 福騎士

hhhhh1105/03 16:53富邦收

ru070105/03 16:53哪邊收

pengjoker05/03 16:53中職收 有棒子的福來喜

plokm16005/03 16:54就叫香吉士吧

※ 編輯: Y225 ( 臺灣), 05/03/2023 16:55:15

MoWilliams05/03 16:57台鋼收

t213456305/03 16:58聖騎士

chey05/03 16:59聖起司

Moukoko05/03 17:00我爪收

terry104305/03 17:00兄弟收

yaes11105/03 17:01連3A都揮不到 沒用了

ericisfish05/03 17:01更強的福來喜,7777

ericisfish05/03 17:02不過這3A的三圍好像比福來喜慘

hyjoly05/03 17:03賞吉事 ?

jenchieh505/03 17:03爪需要新洋補

lion0112305/03 17:04這位也能叫聖騎士

thb9630005/03 17:06貴三喜

furret05/03 17:07又一個騎士

rayisgreat05/03 17:08聖騎士+1

kirimaru7305/03 17:08這明明就是賣汽水的那個

SpiceKey05/03 17:08疝氣士

kt4005/03 17:08尚吉事

star88061305/03 17:09勝騎士+1

yoiverson05/03 17:09爪:桑喜事 喵:山騎士

ayachyan05/03 17:09上將士

sunnyyoung05/03 17:11神氣死

sqweweww05/03 17:11牛:農藥名

alanwang55505/03 17:14今年怎麼突然這麼慘 他是有受啥傷嗎

final971105/03 17:15這隻現在跟福來喜誰強

starxls05/03 17:15他防守超爛的好嗎 只要打擊幹嘛不找其他砲管更大的?


starxls05/03 17:16福來喜打擊再低潮 至少都有捕手技能頂著

discoveryray05/03 17:16富邦奪冠最後一塊拼圖

Edison117405/03 17:18香吉士 新入團

maimai206305/03 17:19還好吧 中職球速又沒多快 可能不會那麼多捕逸?

hancao081605/03 17:19thank you 福來喜

pl72605/03 17:19勝騎士2.0

pl72605/03 17:19香吉士跟All Blue 絕配啊

f9999999305/03 17:20桑74

citpo05/03 17:21他擋不住暴投喔

nakayamayyt05/03 17:22邦邦簽 勝騎士2.0

nlnlQwQ05/03 17:22其他砲管更大的輪不到中職吧

starxls05/03 17:23應該說 往1B/3B找 絕對能找到砲管大又能守備的啦


maimai206305/03 17:24C大~那個中職的變化球跟球速都沒MLB噁心吧 應該還好ww

maimai206305/03 17:24雖然應該不會來啦

starxls05/03 17:24Sanchez守備真的太美 我不敢看

※ 編輯: Y225 ( 臺灣), 05/03/2023 17:24:48

carlchang09205/03 17:25防守型福來喜對上超攻擊型桑契斯

※ 編輯: Y225 ( 臺灣), 05/03/2023 17:26:26

starchiang05/03 17:2630歲捕手,不勝唏噓

gyhua05/03 17:27猛奇斯

yankees73305/03 17:27連3A也打這麼爛 可以來中職了

aids89300105/03 17:27邦要了

TDC1968505/03 17:38腎騎士

lcuky101205/03 17:45香吉士

bj45112305/03 17:46中職是mlb垃圾場嗎

moneyrei22505/03 17:46UK最大對手

keler05/03 17:59襄騎士

PNXkbara05/03 18:04聖騎士

andy81810205/03 18:05捕手砲中職要了

soltea05/03 18:10看內文 是寫因為他跳脫小聯盟合約而釋出 不是單純被釋出

soltea05/03 18:10吧 主被動不太一樣

soria022505/03 18:13爪爪真的可以收了= =

kintaro121905/03 18:14收,都收

paris082605/03 18:21統一可以簽喔

jiey0179905/03 18:23兄弟收

SoloHomerun05/03 18:33勝騎士2.0

kano252505/03 18:43勝騎士投給勝騎士接

nando2105/03 18:47桑騎士 富邦收

xerxes7905/03 19:05富騎士準備好了

ryanpiggy05/03 19:18我爪收

shintz05/03 19:23勝騎士mkII

sa1396138705/03 19:24快點收

eee6010905/03 19:28跳脫怎麼變成釋出?

AbukumaKai05/03 19:31剛好趕上台鋼嗎

york3060905/03 19:35有種取三七四

Kevin060805/03 19:37桑拿洗 新入團

ccl00705/03 19:53可是福來喜在MLB評價就是防守差的捕手 374來搞不好屠殺

timmy121705/03 19:57洋投就德寶拉就好 DH給374打

daniel611405/03 20:43洋基以前的寶

bop562012305/03 20:47桑奇斯 預備

wugi05/03 20:54桑邦入團

martell1165505/03 20:583A打這樣...

luchjack05/03 21:04好奇他離開洋基後防守有沒有好一點