[情報] 老虎隊對Santander和金河成有興趣

看板Baseball標題[情報] 老虎隊對Santander和金河成有興趣作者
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根據記者Evan Petzold報導,老虎隊對Anthony Santander和金河成有興趣

不過是將他們視為沒簽下Alex Bregman的備案,Santander是B計畫、金河成則是C計畫

The #Tigers have expressed interest in free-agent OF Anthony Santander and free-agent INF Ha-Seong Kim, per @EvanPetzold

Evan notes that Santander and Kim are both contingency plans should DET miss out on Alex Bregman, with Santander being “plan B” and Kim being “plan C.”


有提到老虎目前All in Bregman,雙方都有興趣合作也正在進行談判,但由於Bregman的市場縮小導致兩邊開價有落差

The Tigers have strong interest in third baseman Alex Bregman.

In fact, the Tigers appear to be all-in on Bregman. Both sides are engaged in ongoing discussions with mutual interest, but there has been a gap in value as Bregman's market narrows.


The Tigers have interest in right fielder Anthony Santander, but the Toronto Blue Jays and Los Angeles Angels are the frontrunners for his services.


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suwagutao12/30 12:57每篇都可以看到藍鳥

glenliu12/30 13:13藍鳥:可以選我了吧......霸脫

flame103012/30 13:18金還是趕快找個隊伍重新拼吧 帶傷實在很難拿到想要的約

tw5202412/30 13:28拜託簽阿金,至少期待感比八爺高

kenro12/30 13:30小金的手是變數啊,也不知道好的怎樣了

lowl9912/30 13:38Santander跟Alonso一樣想大約結果沒有球隊願意給

kano252512/30 14:03藍鳥:拜託讓我花錢

kmwace12/30 14:03Santader和Alonso 文藝復興F1是吧

pett12/30 14:20每篇都有藍鳥 就是沒人要去

cano002212/30 14:26和台鋼很像

wurick00012/30 15:42桑坦德銀行的logo ....

n6120812/30 17:35如果金河成去老虎的話會守三壘吧

CaminoI12/30 17:38邦也都有出價 只是第一輪就被拒絕 台灣北方藍色王者略懂

kenro12/30 17:54不可能的事別一直唬爛啦,真的很難笑