[情報] WBSC官網 中職新會長報導

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時間推噓15 推:16 噓:1 →:4



New CPBL Commissioner Chi-Chang Tsai aims to expand league, boost Chinese Taipei team for Tokyo Olympic qualifier


TAIPEI, Taiwan -- The Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) and clubs today unanimously elected Chi-Chang Tsai (photo on the right) to serve as the 11th commissioner of Taiwans top-tier league. Several political and sports leaders were present for the inauguration, including Vice President William Lai, Chinese Taipei Olympic Committee President Hong-Dow Lin and Chinese Taipei Baseball Association (CTBA) President Jefferey Koo Jr.

今日CPBL一致通過由蔡其昌擔任聯盟第十一任的會長,許多政治、體育界人士都出席了就職典禮,包含副總統William Lai(賴清德)、中華奧會主席林鴻道、棒協會長Jefferey Koo Jr.(辜仲諒)

World Baseball Softball Confederation (WBSC) President Riccardo Fraccari sent his congratulations to Tsai and said: “I am confident that your extensive political and business experience -- and your love for baseball -- will be invaluable to further growing the league and increasing the positioning of our sport in Taiwan and internationally, following the years of dedication and service of previous CPBL Commissioner John Wu.”

世界棒壘球聯盟會長Riccardo Fraccari也為蔡會長送上慶賀
「我相信以你豐富的政治、商業經驗,和對棒球的愛,能接續前任會長John Wu(吳志揚)多年的奉獻,帶領聯盟進一步成長、並提高棒球在台灣、國際上的定位」

Tsai has already laid out his top three priorities as CPBL Commissioner: “I first would like to expand the economic scale of professional baseball in Taiwan; I’d also like to unite different parties in Taiwan baseball; I will also order to amend the CPBL Constitution and Regulations so it would be clear and reasonable to all parties.”

1. 擴大職棒的經濟規模
2. 讓台灣不同的棒球單位都能團結起來
3. 修改職棒規章,讓規章能更清楚、合理

Tsai also mentioned that he will be working to expand the league and bring in asixth team.


He also stated that CPBL will work with CTBA and all the clubs to field the “strongest team” possible for upcoming Tokyo Olympic Final Qualifying Tournament.”


“We will roll up our sleeves and start to work from tomorrow,” said Commissioner Tsai.


The 51-year-old from Taichung City has a master's degree in history and has been a public servant since he took the office of civil affairs bureau of Taichung County in the late 90s.


In addition to his profound experience with politics, Tsai is also a well-knownbaseball and softball fan, and has been devoted to the establishment and promotion of the latter. Tsai is the founding chairman of Taichung Softball Committee and the inaugural chairman of Taichung Sports Council Softball Committee. Tsai also served as the co-founder of Taiwan Professional Womens Softball League, which was inaugurated in 2016.


The CPBL is an Associate Member of the WBSC.



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Archi82101/20 00:10外國人很明確知道CPBL在臺灣啊

arthurhsu12301/20 00:43WBSC不知道中職在台灣還混得下去嗎

starchiang01/20 00:50彭誠浩是世界棒總副會長

ralfeistein01/20 01:04WBSC官方都會有中文報導

ralfeistein01/20 01:05謝謝翻譯

liaoeddie01/20 01:20WBSC不知道的話,可以叫他們解散了

hcastray01/20 01:32世界棒總都嘛知道 只有台職迷不知道

Jacky78901201/20 01:44只有4趴會亂噓吧,最近一職來亂

Magicbears01/20 02:06樓上示範亂噓以及如何一直來亂

Owada01/20 02:13辜辜的英文名字XD

Friedman01/20 04:32整天喊4趴的是2趴仔嗎?自己去政黑板取暖不要來亂!

Arodz01/20 07:29推 謝謝翻譯

timkuo8601/20 09:00樓上是台灣籃球員性命如草芥的P黑就是最好的示範

joujima01/20 09:36很簡白的一篇文也會有人來帶風向 無言了

nolimits01/20 10:28中國台灣 中國台北啊

nolimits01/20 10:30外國人:Chinese 是中華不是中國!

hunng501/20 10:42最近疫情爆發,他們興奮的很呢

louis82767501/20 11:55翻得超好說..很多詞彙超過7000單了

riyan01/20 12:39老實不懂啥4%一直吵 是多討厭柯文哲

jerrywin01/21 14:504%仔現在在網路上也只能龜在八卦佔地為王圍爐取暖,還好

jerrywin01/21 14:50意思跟人瞎比趴數嘴人 笑死