[情報] Adam Ottavino to Red Sox

看板Baseball標題[情報] Adam Ottavino to Red Sox作者
時間推噓19 推:19 噓:0 →:7

Source: The Yankees have traded Adam Ottavino to the Red Sox.
Prospect going to the #RedSox from the #Yankees is Frank German
The Yankees will send $850K to the Red Sox in the trade, per source. So Boston will be on the hook for $8.15 million to Ottavino. Yankees get back a player to be named later or cash considerations for Ottavino/German.
紅襪從洋基拿到主力RP Adam Ottavino與新秀Frank German+85萬現金

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jones21027201/26 01:33記得上次有Drew

showgun556601/26 01:36洋基牛棚真的爆滿惹

Minihil01/26 01:37爆滿也還好 RP薪資卡滿滿倒是真的

saiulbb01/26 01:38洋基會吃$1MM薪水? 因為他今年薪水原本是$9MM

紅襪拿到85K現金 所以紅襪總共吃了8.15M

※ 編輯: otaku32286 ( 臺灣), 01/26/2021 01:56:35

baseballbin01/26 02:03oh wow oh wow oh wow oh wow oh wow oh wow oh wow

baseballbin01/26 02:03oh wow oh wow oh wow oh wow oh wow oh wow oh wow

baseballbin01/26 02:03oh wow oh wow oh wow

oldchang120501/26 03:49洋基清薪資空間想幹啥大事?

polanco01/26 05:25XDDDDD

CabreraNH01/26 07:46清空簽田中?

mtyk1010001/26 07:55wow

youngluke01/26 07:55What?

c257891001/26 07:58去年成績如何啊? 不過記得薪水不低沒錯

Pudinmilktea01/26 08:10lol

jessicadang01/26 08:44哇XDDDDDD 打算簽誰嗎?

sustainer12301/26 08:58應該多14-15M吧 給季中操作?

sustainer12301/26 08:58變成距離稅線14-15M

polanco01/26 09:02沒那麼多吧

polanco01/26 09:05#1W16bkE8 (NY-Yankees) 簽完克魯伯剩5.95M 泰龍今年年

polanco01/26 09:05薪2.25M 這次交易省下8.15M

yeah846601/26 09:41應該要把園丁簽回來了吧?

lucky6901/26 13:43跟岳父租的室內練習場怎摸辦

sanadayasu01/26 13:56去年爆炸

Maggiepiggy01/26 19:30傻眼 簽這隻不確定性很高啊…還要吃薪資

kenro01/26 23:24還好吧,調整好後還是很好用

Matthew1024402/01 22:07被送走很可惜 但要清出空間不得不為 誠摯祝福他了