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作者: blackpanther ( ) 看板: MLB
標題: [閒聊] Ozzie Guillen參戰
時間: Thu Jul 1 21:54:27 2021


Lucas Giolito might have been the original Chicago White Sox person to have abeef with Josh Donaldson did Tuesday night.

Lucas Giolito或許是在週二晚間時最早和Josh Donaldson起衝突的白襪成員。

But by the end of a long pregame media session Wednesday, the Minnesota Twinsthird baseman had zeroed in on a different member of franchise lore: Ozzie

但在週三一場漫長的賽前媒體採訪後,這位雙城隊三壘手把砲火轉移至另一外白襪傳奇:Ozzie Guillen。

After Donaldson unleashed some trash talk mentioning "sticky stuff" in the
wake of a first-inning homer off Giolito on Tuesday, the All-Star pitcher
called the former MVP "a f---ing pest" and "classless."


After those comments from Giolito, Guillen, in his role as an NBC Sports
Chicago analyst on "White Sox Postgame Live," reacted to what Donaldson did,
suggesting that if he were in Giolito's shoes — or really, in the White Sox
dugout at all — that an intentional plunking would be coming Donaldson's way.

身為NBC Sports Chicago節目「White Sox Postgame Live」分析師的Guillen在看到這一樁糾紛後表示若他是Giolito-或是人在白襪休息區-Donaldson就等著被觸身球伺候。

"THE GUYS (mainly @ChuckGarfien) ARE FIRED UP

Don't f**k with our ace.— White Sox Talk
(@NBCSWhiteSox) June 30, 2021"


Well, Donaldson heard those comments and apparently didn't like them, going
after Guillen on Wednesday.


"You've got a lot of people talking a lot of s--- about me, for somebody
that's a three-time All Star and MVP. I'm not here to boast (about) myself,
but people forget quick. And I've got Ozzie Guillen talking s--- on the air
saying that, 'I'd let one go, hit him in the ribs.'

「不是我在說,但大家都忘了,你們這群人嗆的可是老子這個打過三次明星賽的MVP。然後Ozzie Guillen說了啥『我會直接丟他觸身球』?」

"Ozzie Guillen, you were under a career .700 OPS hitter, man. You were a
three-time All Star, and you had an under .700 OPS. My worst season in the
big leagues is 150 points higher than that. This is also coming from the man
that said he loves Fidel Castro. That's who we're taking advice from? What
are we doing around here?"

「Ozzie Guillen啊,你老兄的生涯OPS不到.700欸。你打過三次明星賽,但你的OPS不到,700。我生涯最糟的一年OPS也比這高個.150。對了這人還說過他愛卡斯楚。這什麼情況啊?我們現在是在請鬼拿藥單?」

Because every good war of words needs return fire, Guillen responded with
some fire on "White Sox Pregame Live" on Wednesday evening.

由於隔空嘴砲都必須要一來一往才精彩,Guillen於週三晚間的「White Sox Pregame

"Hey @WWE, @OzzieGuillen has your next SuperStar.— White Sox Talk (@NBCSWhiteSox) June 30, 2021."

"[email protected] - World Series Champion
Josh Donaldson - Never been to a World—
White Sox Talk (@NBCSWhiteSox) July 1, 2021"

「嘿WWE,Ozzie Guillen幫你找好下一個摔角明星了。」

「Ozzie Guillen - 世界大賽冠軍
Josh Donaldson - 從沒打過世界大賽」

Guillen promised more to come on the postgame show. But after Donaldson hit
yet another first-inning home run Wednesday night off Dylan Cease, the
championship-winning manager might have to come up with some different


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※ 編輯: blackpanther ( 美國), 07/01/2021 21:54:48

ganhua: 越來越有趣了XD 07/01 21:59
MookieBetts: 看他們吵架真的很有趣,亞洲某島嶼摸了三十幾年的職 07/01 22:00
MookieBetts: 棒也沒看過這麼嘴的,還真是溫良恭儉讓愛與和平(根 07/01 22:00
MookieBetts: 本就是假惺惺 07/01 22:00
saiulbb: 戰起來 這樣才有火花 07/01 22:00
zxc906383: 台灣是因爲幾乎都學長學弟啊 07/01 22:06
DerekHolland: Donaldson火力怎麼這麼猛阿XDDD 07/01 22:20
oadas: Donaldson沒大沒小 被嗆剛好 07/01 22:22
TokyoHard: 亞洲某島會嘴的都在OO,不然咧XD 07/01 22:22
lowl99: 唐納森怎麼後面越來越嘴,自己成績可以先顧好嗎 07/01 22:28
CornyDragon: 中職OB大概有一半被檢調抓走了 人數少很多 07/01 22:30

※ PTT 留言評論
※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ※ 轉錄者: blackpanther ( 美國), 07/01/2021 22:40:29

beautyptt07/01 22:40以為他要選板主

kenike07/01 22:46Ozzie Guillen風評也沒多好吧

tooliwiziki07/01 22:48當勞森成績還可以吧 35歲的老將了

FncRookie00107/01 22:52白襪又抹油又有OPS不到0.7的大學長 是要笑死誰

tony90073507/01 23:00戰起來 戰起來

polanco07/01 23:06不要跟Giolito一樣當面對決就縮了啊

daueing07/01 23:49唐納森都拿過MVP的人了,夠資格嘴