Fw: [閒聊] 70年前的今天-「總仔你來當」之夜

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作者: blackpanther ( ) 看板: MLB
標題: [閒聊] 70年前的今天-「總仔你來當」之夜
時間: Wed Aug 25 13:52:27 2021

A quick glance at the box score of the Philadelphia Athletics and St. Louis
Browns game on Aug. 24, 1951 would suggest that nothing was out of the
ordinary. It seemed to be a typical Friday game, between two teams who were
far out of playoff contention.


But with Bill Veeck at the helm of the St. Louis Browns, that game was
anything but typical.

但只要聖路易綜人是由Bill Veeck掌舵,該比賽就一點也不平凡無奇。

On that day, Veeck orchestrated “Grandstand Managers Night,” a promotion
which allowed fans to vote on key decisions during the course of the game,
using placards which read “yes” or “no.”


Over 1,000 “grandstand managers” sat in a special section behind the Browns
dugout, while Browns manager Zack Taylor relaxed in a rocking chair in the
next box over, in casual clothing and a pipe in his mouth, as he enjoyed his
night off.

超過一千名「看台區總仔」坐在棕人休息區後方的特殊區域,而正牌總仔Zack Taylo則

The fans began their short-lived managerial careers by deciding the lineup ofthe game. They wrote their choices on lineup cards, delivered to the Browns
prior to the game. After tallying fan responses, a lineup was decided on.


Philadelphia Athletics’ manager Jimmy Dykes was far from amused, telling the
Associated Press that Veeck was “making a farce of the game.”

費城運動家隊的總仔Jimmy Dykes對此感到不以為然,他對美聯社表示Veeck根本「蔑視

But the controversial Veeck saw his promotions as a way to raise fan
experience to a whole new level. He would later explain to Sports Illustratedthat, “the fan comes away from the ball park with nothing more to show for
it than what’s in his mind, an ephemeral feeling of having been entertained.
You’ve got to heighten and preserve that illusion. You have to give him more
vivid pictures to carry away in his head.”


Just five days earlier, on Aug. 19, 1951, Veeck had stunned the baseball
world and delighted fans by sending 3-foot-7 Eddie Gaedel up to bat in a gameagainst the Tigers.

就在五天前的1951年8月19日,Veeck派上3呎7寸(約1.1米)的Eddie Gaedel上場面對

It’s safe to say that the “grand stand managers,” as well as the 6,000
other fans who watched on as the fate of the game was decided by spectators,
walked away with vivid pictures.


All things considered, the managers didn’t do a bad job, as the majority of
their decisions were the right ones. They ruled for the Browns infield to
play back and try for a double play when there were two men on base for the
Athletics – and Pete Suder hit into a double play to end the inning.

兩人在壘時裁示棕人隊內野抓雙殺-而Pete Suder隨後擊出結束該半局的雙殺打。

They also advised catcher Sherm Lollar not to attempt a steal from first baseto second, due to his slow speed. Lollar would drive in two runs that game.

他們也建議速度不快的捕手Sherm Lollar不要試圖從一壘盜上二壘。Lollar該賽會打下

After a shaky first inning during which starting pitcher Ned Garver gave up
three runs, he would hold the Athletics to those three until the end of the
game, with the assistance of the “grandstand managers.” The Browns would
win the game 5-3, raising their record to 38-81.

多虧了這些「看台區總仔」的協助,在經過首局失三分的亂流後,先發投手Ned Garver

The night concluded with a fireworks show that wrote out “Thanks G.S.
managers for a swell job. Zack manages tomorrow.”


Veeck’s 45 year-long career would be anything but dull, as he signed the
first African-American player in the American League, the first – and last
– midget in all of baseball, and held a “Disco Demolition Night.” But
while these promotions pushed the game to new limits, they also kept the fansinterested by creating new ways to enjoy the National Pastime.


As Hank Greenberg once said, Veeck “brought baseball into the 20th century.
Before Bill, baseball was just win or lose. But he made it fun to be at the

就像Hank Greenberg曾說的,Veeck「將棒球帶進20世紀。在Bill之前棒球純粹只有勝負可言。但他讓進場觀戰這件事變得有趣。」

Veeck passed away on Jan. 2, 1986. He was elected to the Hall of Fame in 1991.


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※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊( ※ 轉錄者: blackpanther ( 美國), 08/25/2021 13:52:45

Elmo08/25 13:55中職有天也可以鍵總主題日

hohochang10008/25 13:55

hohochang10008/25 13:55希望中職也有

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willywasd08/25 13:58中職要不要也來辦一個XDD 一定很精彩

ericf12908/25 13:59中職快抄拜託

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chuegou08/25 14:00其中一隊總教練

rbull08/25 14:00有消化比賽的話搞一場還不錯

phoinixa08/25 14:02本版各種總仔打擊投手教練該登場了吧

mie83062408/25 14:02線上下戰術我覺得可以

magician556608/25 14:05廣大鄉總熱身中

Ncode08/25 14:07鄉總有料 看看邦邦還要花大錢挖愛念的紅中

tyc112608/25 14:10感覺很有趣= =

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pinktogether08/25 14:16感謝分享 超級有趣的

polanco08/25 14:20超前世代不只50年的老闆

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Hsu102508/25 14:41拜託樂天快辦

alex058908/25 14:46太前衛了吧

hassmetou08/25 14:50超酷欸 希望台灣可以辦一次

Y199908/25 14:54中職難得沒有領先全球

odaaaaa08/25 14:58看台當主審會比較好

GivemeApen08/25 15:42看台主審 每球都經過現場投票決定好壞球

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northlight08/25 17:09這感覺好有趣

amen12308/25 18:34行銷天才

※ 編輯: blackpanther ( 美國), 08/25/2021 20:17:38