Re: [新聞] 3屆賽揚左投柯蕭未獲合格報價 道奇決定

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Another player who was eligible to receive a qualifying offer was left-handerClayton Kershaw. The Dodgers decided not to extend the offer, but that doesn’t change the club’s interest in bringing back the future Hall of Famer.

另一位有合格報價資格的球員是Clayton Kershaw,道奇決定不開給他,但並沒有改變球團帶回這位這位未來名人堂球員的興趣。

Kershaw, 33, is an unrestricted free agent for the first time in his career.
He’s also recovering from a left forearm injury that ended his season.
Kershaw received a PRP shot in October and hopes to be ready by Spring


As he recovers, Kershaw will have a decision to make about his future this
winter. The left-hander could opt to retire if he doesn’t feel like he can
get healthy enough to deliver the type of performances he has grown
accustomed to. He could also choose to sign with a team closer to his
Dallas-area home, primarily the Rangers. Kershaw has said that his decision
will be made in conjunction with his wife, Ellen, and the rest of his family.


One thing is certain, however: If Kershaw ultimately decides he wants to
return to the Dodgers, the team is fully prepared to make every effort to
bring him back. But at this stage of the offseason, given Kershaw’s rehab
process, the Dodgers didn’t want to force Kershaw to make a decision on a
qualifying offer. Not attaching a compensatory pick also makes it easier for
Kershaw to sign elsewhere, if that’s what he chooses.


Though injuries ended his season, Kershaw showed that he’s still very
productive as a Major League starter. The left-hander went 10-8 with a 3.55
ERA in 22 starts this season.






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kiasao11/08 13:40這麼好的待遇 應該是會留下吧

phoenix28611/08 14:11有可能這麼佛?

Hiyochi11/08 14:12倒是覺得不給QO是希望能更順利出清

oc4r11/08 14:30感覺這約絕對是超大倫

oc4r11/08 14:30也沒其它隊會想當盤子

tihs10411/08 14:42看怎麼解讀,給QO變難賣,那道奇究竟希望他難賣還是好賣

CarlEdwards11/08 14:51FA根本就沒有好賣難賣的問題

CarlEdwards11/08 14:51講好聽的就如文中所述,給需要復健的他一些時間決定

CarlEdwards11/08 14:52講難聽的就是認為他現階段沒有那個價格

CarlEdwards11/08 14:52畢竟最差來看,就算開QO給他,他接受了也是能退休的

CarlEdwards11/08 14:53他如果真的還沒考慮好,也是能拒絕QO再跟LAD簽約

CarlEdwards11/08 14:54提QO就是LAD給他最低18.4M保障薪水的誠意而已

hsnut2711/08 15:22給QO以後如果其他隊簽走要貼選秀權

hsnut2711/08 15:23不給的話他談約應該會更方便一點

hsnut2711/08 15:24再掉價也不可能連一年1800萬都沒有啦

Minihil11/08 16:37除非道奇覺得明年會需要開刀 不然沒給QO蠻佛的啊