[分享] Mark Appel IG

看板Baseball標題[分享] Mark Appel IG作者
時間推噓 9 推:9 噓:0 →:4

When I decided to leave baseball at the end of 2017, I never imagined I wouldbe able to play again. I was injured with no clear path to good health. I wasemotionally and spiritually drained.

當我在 2017 年底決定遠離棒球後,我從沒想過能再一次回到棒球場上。當時有傷在身的我根本不知道能不能再次回到健康的身體狀態,我的情緒和精力都已耗盡。

All my dedication and years of hard work had led to this: calling it quits,
taking a break, stepping away from the game I love…


4.5 years is a long time.


In that time, I went from being the 1st overall pick in 2013 to being called
the “Biggest Bust in MLB History” in early 2018. It’s also the amount of
time between the day I left baseball and today.

在這段時間,我從 2013 年選秀狀元到 2018 年初被稱為「大聯盟史上最大水貨」。四年半也是我離開棒球到此時此刻的時長。

And what about today?


Today, I am on a mound again, getting to play the game I fell in love with asa little leaguer growing up in Houston. Today, I get to show up to a locker
room with some of the best men I know. Today, I get to compete side-by-side
with these men as we all try to realize our dreams of becoming Major League
Baseball players.


Each day might be my last. My health, my career, my life… it’s all fragile.
Anything good could be taken away in an instant. I could play 10 more days or10 more years. Only God knows and ordains such things.


But today, I get to feel the grass under my feet and the sun shine on my
face. I get to laugh with my friends and play a game I love. Today, I’ve
learned what I have, what I get to do, is more than enough and far more than
I deserve.


Whether my dream of playing in the MLB becomes reality or not, I will choose
to love God, love others, and love myself in the way God has called me and
designed me. And I will always remember…


God is good. If I have Him, I have more than enough.



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polanco06/26 13:56把史上最大水貨的名號交給隔年的狀元了

alex872506/26 13:57隔年是誰啊?

kano252506/26 13:57這稱號要給Aiken扛了

polanco06/26 13:57Brady Aiken

penchiman06/26 13:59Appel加油啊啊 上了要好好把握

FunXin06/26 14:00很感人,但這故事還是差我們小曹一點

SlamKai06/26 14:05QDQ

Yofu06/26 14:18有信仰的人總會變堅強

loveblud06/26 14:22感人勵志推 祝他成功

julianscorpi06/26 14:48你把上帝拿走了 那其他人怎麼辦XD 開玩笑的 祝順利

YQE76606/26 15:10他能回歸還上大聯盟真的滿勵志的 之前看過他把置物櫃砸爛

YQE76606/26 15:10的照片 就知道他那時候心理壓力多大

H13219606/26 15:27祝福成功