Re: [情報] Freeman經紀人從未告訴他勇士最終報價

看板Baseball標題Re: [情報] Freeman經紀人從未告訴他勇士最終報價作者
時間推噓19 推:21 噓:2 →:10

※ 引述《zxc906383 (無無)》之銘言:
: Casey Close never told Freddie Freeman about the Braves final offer, that is why
: Freeman fired him. He found out in Atlanta this weekend. It isn’t that rare to: have happen in MLB, but it happened - Close knew Freddie would have taken the A
: TL deal
: 自由人的經紀人Casey Close
: 從未把勇士開的最終報價告訴給他
: 而自由人是到最近回到亞特蘭大才發現這事
: 這也是他生氣炒掉Casey Close的原因
: Casey Close也代理過
: Derek Jeter,Clayton Kershaw, Zack Greinke,田中等球員

Casey Close已經否認沒告知最終報價了

Agent Casey Close strongly denied a tweet from Fox Sports radio host Doug
Gottlieb that he withheld from Freddie Freeman the Braves’ final contract
offer and said he is considering legal action over the report.

In a statement to Sports Illustrated on Wednesday night, Close said, “There
is no truth whatsoever to what Doug Gottlieb recklessly tweeted, and I would
testify to that under oath. We are currently evaluating all legal options in
this matter.”




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polanco06/30 10:33笑死 精彩嘍

BusterPosey06/30 10:34自由人自編自導自演?

saidon06/30 10:35記者gg

k3353606/30 10:35一定又是文字遊戲

maimai206306/30 10:35季中邀請賽 自由人到底是忘記了還是真沒收到?

WasJohnWall06/30 10:35搞笑喔

GhostShadow06/30 10:35看來真的要讓子彈飛一會兒 看到底是哪邊在演

Movice06/30 10:36佛導

polanco06/30 10:37覺得四個月以後才出來吵真的很詭異XD

MKAngelheart06/30 10:37他當然要先否認 承認不就是這輩子別想做經紀人了 這

MKAngelheart06/30 10:37沒有職業道德欸

TAKANA06/30 10:37各位同學!上車啦!

ntusimmon06/30 10:37不過兩小時如果真的也難辭其咎

edhuang06/30 10:37有跟沒有之間

Isveia06/30 10:38棒球板強尼&安柏?

zxc90638306/30 10:38是告爆料的那位電台主持人吧

TAKANA06/30 10:39不是兩小時。是一個小時內要接受他們提的兩個方案其中一

TAKANA06/30 10:39個。不能有異議

stilu06/30 10:40球季中搞這個還要打球嗎

PoorSax06/30 10:40會不會CC有告訴FF勇士的報價,但沒告訴FF自己的報價?

zxc90638306/30 10:44不會是告自由人阿 不會影響打球吧

curlymonkey06/30 10:44讚啦

glenliu06/30 10:44自由,接電話^U^

Anakin06/30 10:46有可能根本不存在什麼final offer啊

dufflin06/30 10:47戰戰戰

waijr06/30 10:54承認就背信了

a50215200006/30 10:58法律野球

saidon06/30 10:58不會是告自由人阿 公開爆這料的又不是自由人

saidon06/30 10:59當然如果爆料者的消息來源是自由人的話又是另一回事

hdotistyle06/30 11:18法律野球 刺激

turkeyma06/30 11:22媽的 這齣戲沒完沒了有夠煩的

catsondbs06/30 11:24讚 解約了不用為前客戶吞

holypiggy06/30 12:43置板凳