Re: [討論] 打者跑一壘用撲的到底有什麼效果

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分析用的球員是Brett Gardner

作者找了Gardner 在2017賽季的五個最快的play做分析


Apr. 21, 2017 (No slide 沒撲)

30.2 feet per second, 3.67 seconds home-to-first

Gardner 想靠觸擊上一壘,該賽季跑最快的一次

Aug. 17, 2017 (No slide 沒撲)

30.3 feet per second, 3.94 seconds home-to-first

非觸擊狀態,該賽季第二快(最快的那次因防守不足,所以不拿那次來比 inefficient defense made that one less than competitive)

Aug. 28, 2017 (Slide 撲)

30.5 feet per second, 4.09 seconds home-to-first

Unlike the two full-run plays, there's now a noticable speed dip at the end of the play diagram, making it clear when the slide began. When he stopped running, he stopped maintaining his speed.


Aug. 2, 2017 (Slide 撲)

30.6 feet per second, 4.09 seconds home-to-first

Again, the speed decline is clear.


Sept 22, 2016 (Slide)

30.7 feet per second, 4.11 seconds home-to-first

The speed decline upon diving is clear, and Gardner was out.

在撲時的降速很明顯,且Gardner 出局。

While five plays isn't exactly a huge sample size, these are the three fastest home-to-first times on diving plays he's put up in the past year, so this isn't a case of choosing only favorable plays. We have two of Gardner's fastest overall times, and his three fastest sliding times.


Let's combine them all to show what these look like all at once. The speed Gardner shows for most of the play is nearly identical, and then at the end, there's a clear speed drop when he dives. It's hard to dispute.

把這五個擺在一起看,Gardner 在衝刺時的速度幾乎一樣,然後在最後,當他撲的時後,速度就降了。

If we're talking about simple running speed, that's basically true; it's difficult to accelerate without your feet. As you can see in the diagrams, Gardner's speed while sliding is dropping from slightly over 30 feet per second to more like 21 feet per second, and dropping rapidly as he gains friction.

如果單純看衝刺速度,當然撲下去變慢是正常的,沒有腳怎麼加速。如你能從影片中看到,Gardner 的速度從高於每秒30呎在撲下去後降到每秒21呎,因摩擦力快速下降。

But as we said, the argument to the contrary is that if done properly, the ability to reach out with your hands can make up for that, and Gardner has been used as an example in other studies of someone good at doing just that.

但是爭議的點是,如果能夠好好利用手的延伸,可以彌補兩者之間的速差。而Gardner 是很好的範本。

the first 80 feet or so ought to be identical no matter whether you slide or not. Would we find a difference if we look at the final 10 feet for these selected plays? If sliding is faster, that's where it would present itself.


The answer is … inconclusive, perhaps. Looking at our five plays, Gardner got to the 80-feet mark in as little as 3.29 seconds and as high as 3.76 seconds. Over the last 10 feet, he got there in .34 and .35 seconds running, and .36, .36 and .37 seconds sliding.

答案是...不確定。Gardner 到達80呎的時間,最少3.29秒,最多3.76秒。最後的10呎,他花的時間是全力跑0.34跟0.35,撲的話是0.36, 0.36, 0.37秒。

If we repeat it using 85 feet rather than 80 feet, it's about the same. Over the last five feet, Gardner needed .18 and .18 running, and .18, .19 and .20 seconds sliding. It's not much of a difference. Or put another way, if he ran the final 10 feet at 30 feet per second, he'd need an estimated .33 seconds, which is what he showed in our pair of "running through" plays. If Gardner slid the final seven feet at 21 feet per second (seven, rather than 10, assuming he can reach out with his arms for the final three), that would be ... an identical .33 seconds.

如果我們看85呎的話,會發現結果是一樣的。最後的5呎,Gardner 花的時間是全力跑0.18跟0.18秒,撲則是0.18, 0.19, 0.20秒。換種方式來看,如果最後10呎他以每秒30呎的速度全力跑,那他需大概0.33秒,就如同我們在全力跑的兩個case。如果Gardner 最後7呎用每秒21呎的速度撲(7呎,因假設最後他的手延伸3呎),那麼需要的時間也是0.33秒。




※ 引述 《suzhou (☂☁☁☁☂)》 之銘言:
: 記得不是有人實驗過
: 跑一壘正常衝刺的速度
: 會比用撲的速度更快
: 但為何仍然有不少選手打完往一壘跑要用撲的?
: 不知是否還有人持續做更仔細的相關實驗分析?


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a2648092410/30 22:49所以還是有噗有交代 熱血好看

Timekeeper10/30 22:49推用心翻譯

Iversonchi10/30 22:50科學分析給推!

vovhsin10/30 22:56

kenkenken3110/30 23:00推個

alittleghost10/30 23:11所以就是情勒,反正交代一下比較不會被罵

playball10/30 23:11手長的話撲就可能比較快

gts12310/30 23:12不過用撲的也沒想像中慢啊 重點是多了受傷的風險不值得吧

peja051110/30 23:16我記得流言終結者有做過一集討論,結果就是撲的沒比較快

Hecarim10/30 23:22沒必要

linahou10/30 23:24

mystage10/30 23:26

condition010/31 00:00比較容易受傷貞的沒必要

jeangodard10/31 00:00用心推 今天明顯在撲壘時降速了

gts12310/31 00:05不過想了一下 或許有一點可以解釋為何打者想撲壘

ygjhsu10/31 00:06阿土伯可以不用撲了

gts12310/31 00:06或許打者自身腳步亂掉或步距不對必須大跨步踩壘

ygjhsu10/31 00:06因為蜂鳴器可能掉出來

gts12310/31 00:07那撲壘就是個彌補的方式了

jeangodard10/31 00:11樓上二位的推文也是接的很順欸

ypw10/31 00:45也覺得考慮步距相當關鍵,畢竟棒球直接衝刺最後一步要確實踏

ypw10/31 00:45在壘包上,不是像田徑賽那樣過線就算。最後一個出局數的壓力

ypw10/31 00:45,可能因為步伐亂掉而最後減速,適當距離撲下去就沒這顧慮。

Yjizz10/31 01:10這好像之前板上也有人分析過

sincere7710/31 01:32早就實證過了,用撲的就算手完全往前伸直也不會比較快

sincere7710/31 01:33一堆人只講自己的理論都沒看過找球員來跑的錄影實證

sincere7710/31 01:37用撲的導致的降速>>>>>手伸長的優勢+用跑的最後一步因

sincere7710/31 01:37為必須踏壘造成的步伐差異,結論是你想要比較快上一壘

sincere7710/31 01:37就不能也不應該撲壘

sincere7710/31 01:40撲壘和滑壘只有在躲觸殺或是避免離開壘包時才有意義

sincere7710/31 01:42而打者跑向一壘一般來說不用擔心觸殺或是離壘

sharkimage10/31 02:27

goolgo10/31 04:28所以這篇的結論看起來比較像撲的好是跟直接衝差不多快

goolgo10/31 04:31扣掉短打的前四快有三個是撲壘,這邊要考量是不是他只要

goolgo10/31 04:32想全力衝就是用撲壘還是他只是爾偶撲壘結果就前四快

clusis10/31 05:16所以撲的速度比較慢

Nobita10/31 05:23全力跑還要考量腳步是否剛好踩壘 若剛好腳步沒法踩壘就又

Nobita10/31 05:23是另一種降速

Ronniecf10/31 05:44Goo大 文章是另外拿撲壘的前三快 不是所有跑一壘前五名

Ronniecf10/31 05:44撲壘佔三個

ChrisPaul0310/31 07:58用撲的只能賭對方一壘手接球時腳離壘要改用觸殺

ChrisPaul0310/31 07:58但觸不到

lisyu10/31 08:05撲要比較快 大概只有撲下去利用手長直接摸壘 不能在地上磨

lisyu10/31 08:05在地上滑就等於放開油門踩煞車 要怎麼快

AAaaron10/31 08:12如果撲壘但是沒在地上滑,低空撲過去觸壘呢?會變慢嗎?

k3353610/31 08:51還有就是打者本身的腳程 如果腳程就慢的 PU下去可能會快點

THKLuga10/31 10:19實況野球玩太多,遊戲裡面甲子園就算十步前出局一壘手都

THKLuga10/31 10:19走了還是會撲下去

raysilence10/31 11:06之前看到的也是說會差不多,不過一般來說跑的快一點

raysilence10/31 11:06,因為不是人人撲壘技術都可以達到完美

ia22062910/31 11:30用跑的一定比較快 跑一跑撲下去還要轉移重心的時間 不然

ia22062910/31 11:30田徑就會都用撲的了

ericinttu10/31 11:52 所以根本沒必要撲

ypw10/31 12:07田徑賽跑最後不用踏壘,只要身體任一處穿過終點線就好。不能

ypw10/31 12:07混為一談吧?棒球衝刺最後沒踏到一壘就GG了。