[情報] Scott Boras在芬威球場完成和洋基的談判

看板Baseball標題[情報] Scott Boras在芬威球場完成和洋基的談判作者
時間推噓14 推:14 噓:0 →:8

The MLB mega-agent joined Red Sox chief baseball officer Chaim Bloom and president Sam Kennedy at Fenway Park to introduce Japanese outfielder Masataka Yoshida. Simultaneously, he was finalizing a deal that would send Carlos Rodon, the topstarting pitcher remaining on the free-agent market, to the New York Yankees.

Scott Boras今天前往芬威球場參加吉田正尚的加盟記者會

According to Alex Speier of The Boston Globe, Boras finished up negotiations with the Yankees while enjoying a meal courtesy of the Red Sox.

"Moments after the media availability to introduce Yoshida, Boras concluded a deal with the Sox’ rivals, negotiating a six-year, $162 million deal with the New York Yankees for lefthander Carlos Rodón. The late-stage negotiations took place as Boras snacked on food from a buffet provided by the Red Sox," Speier wrote.


完成和洋基的談判,將Carlos Rodón送去洋基



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aa04110412/16 12:09身高是?

GenjiEd12/16 12:09Bora$

hdotistyle12/16 12:10吉田只有173啊

g12345ino12/16 12:11時間管理大師

yaes11112/16 12:12笑死 在襪子的場敲洋基訂單

twtpcsilence12/16 12:12太猛了波大師

polanco12/16 12:20吃著紅襪提供的餐點跟洋基完成合約

Fitzwilliam12/16 12:20他時間真的都幾億美金在跑的

bcawosxy12/16 12:31一秒鐘幾十萬上下他也不看在眼裡

CCWck12/16 12:31每年季後賽打完後 全大聯盟最忙的人

y80012215512/16 12:40原來是薛了這一筆心情很好 難怪這麼好說話

Chanlin0112/16 12:40中川老爸現實版

Adam661312/16 12:52時間管理大師

takamiku12/16 13:15吃我襪把費幫敵對彈肥約

cumsubin12/16 13:23早上不是還有去尼莫那場

kw025812/16 13:38還好Rodon紅襪沒有要追,不然吃紅襪餐然後送目標去世仇,

kw025812/16 13:38厲害了你波

tsujishiori12/16 14:05真。侵門踏戶

nobeldd12/16 14:15身高小 好球帶小

leonjapan12/16 14:24一秒鐘幾十萬上下

taddy054012/16 15:30鎖事都是他團隊做的,他就最後點頭而以

ghostl4080912/16 15:38笑死