[情報] 梅子是給Correa開價13yr/300M

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Three days after the record deal was done, and star shortstop Carlos Correa wasgone to the San Francisco Giants for a shortstop-record $350 million, you couldstill hear a tinge of disappointment in Steve Cohen’s voice.

“We’re trying,” the Mets owner told me by phone to start a half hour conversation about how he could operate with only winning in mind, and possibly spend so much money and accept such a large tax hit (and very likely overall franchise financial loss) without seemingly feeling any pain.

“We’re definitely trying.”

梅子老闆親口證實他們真的曾試圖簽下Carlos Correa

But alas, Boras told Cohen they were “already down the road” (or words to that effect) with someone else, meaning they were committed to finishing the contract with what turned out to be the Giants for what became another eye-popping contract. Once the Giants moved from slightly over $300 million to the winning figure — which accounted for Correa being slightly younger than Trea Turner, who’dgotten $300 million and 11 years from the Phillies — they had their man, the most expensive second choice in baseball history (as we all now, they tried hard first for superstar Aaron Judge).


Cohen’s suggestion to the Correa camp that he could pay close to $300 million would have brought the Mets’ payroll to an unheard of $375 million (and counting) even if he’d gotten the long, 13-year deal he seemed to favor and the AAV (annual salary) was “only” about $23 million.





But we would have gotten a good ballplayer, and it would have given us a great ball team,” Cohen said.


“The tax was 70 cents. Now 90 cents,” Cohen said matter-of-factly, almost as if we were talking about actual pennies. What he means is that it’s now 90 cents on the dollar. So if he were to sign Correa for, say, $23 million a year, his tax bill would rise by 90 percent (not 90 cents!), or another $20 million.

談到Steve Cohen tax

It’s only another 20 cents,” Cohen said. “It wasn’t like all or nothing. Y
ou have to decide. You either pay it or you don’t.”



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ganlinlowsu12/19 00:5320% 而 已 有錢人的想法就是不一樣

tommy12331012/19 00:55這價碼差不少吧

reactTW12/19 01:43說好的350呢

kissmy092612/19 02:01嗯……多繳20趴零用錢而已

add2071612/19 02:06王電火真的很屌XDD

Neo061112/19 02:57王電火夠囉

JustinIdiot12/19 03:11他太晚出 那時候已經快跟巨人談好了 否則也有可能加

JustinIdiot12/19 03:11碼上去

MoWilliams12/19 03:1620%而已 霸氣發言

sesd12/19 03:28 傳奇對沖基金的霸氣

shlee12/19 04:3020%而已 有錢就是任性

LBJbuyao12/19 05:21有夠盤

qaz12244412/19 05:35好少喔nba球員,大概字母哥5.6年就超過這數字了

airplanes12/19 08:1620%而已啊

yoysky12/19 08:32霸氣外露!比起運動家那種完全不想花的好多了

x12398778912/19 08:39王電火 我的鈔人

amsmsk12/19 10:34邦邦開多少

a55881512/19 11:13不大懂一直跟nba比幹嘛

n6120812/19 14:32去梅子的話柯要守三壘?

teata12/19 21:2420%而已‧‧‧‧有錢人的快樂就是這麼樸實無華