Re: [閒聊] 阿拉伯人參訪洲際球場
Diriyah to host Saudi Arabia's first baseball field
The Saudi Arabia Baseball Softball Federation announced that Diriyah, home to the UNESCO World Heritage Site Al-Turaif, will host the first baseball field in the country.
The field will result from a partnership between the Baseball Softball Federation, the Diriyah Club, the Diriyah Governorate, the Diriyah Gate Development Authority and the Greenfield Company.
On Thursday, 4 May, Nayef bin Mohammed bin Humaid, president of the Saudi Baseball Softball Federation, signed an agreement with Khaled bin Saad Al Habshan (Diriyah's president) and Greenfield's CEO Abdul Wahhab bin Abdulaziz Al Sulaiman.
Construction will require around four months and include seating to accommodateat least 500 spectators.
Diriyah is 20 kilometres from the Kingdom's capital Riyadh.
The Saudi Arabian Olympic Committee established the Saudi Baseball Softball Federation in December 2019.
In the summer of 2022, bin Humaid visited the WBSC headquarters in Pully, Switzerland.
※ 編輯: zxc906383 ( 臺灣), 07/12/2023 12:44:04
如果產油國的資金斗內 亞洲大聯盟還真的能硬搞
四個月蓋超猛的球場 外星科技
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