[閒聊] 洋基雖然落敗
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[情報] 洋基球迷場邊大喊:續約SotoYankees fans are chanting "Re-sign Soto" so loud you can hear it on the TV broadcast. And it's in an opponent's ballpark. 洋基老闆Hal Steinbrenner在接受冠軍頒發儀式中 球迷在場邊大喊"Re-sign Soto" 大到電視轉播都聽得一清二楚40
[情報] 洋基老闆:明年打算降低團隊薪資Hal Steinbrenner suggested that the Yankees will need to lower their payroll aft er 2024 如題,洋基老闆說明年需要降低團隊薪資24
Fw: [情報] 洋基內部人士大多認爲現金人將續任作者: zxc906383 (無無) 看板: Baseball 標題: [情報] 洋基內部人士大多認爲現金人將續任 時間: Wed Oct 26 00:02:05 2022 Cashman’s contract is up, of course, and most in the organization believe that18
[情報] Aaron Boone 明年續任洋基總教練Sounds like Aaron Boone will return in 2023 as New York Yankees manager. Owner Hal Steinbrenner told the AP: “As far as Boone’s concerned, we just sign ed him and for all the same reasons I listed a year ago, I believe he is a very good manager. I don’t see a change there.”23
[分享] 現金人談近期交易補強以及洋基外野陣容The Yankees consider their outfield to be set with Juan Soto, Aaron Judge, Alex Verdugo and Trent Grisham. Brian Cashman said that he is open-minded but isn’t looking to add anything more there. Pitching is the focus now. 洋基隊的外野將由Juan Soto、Aaron Judge、Alex Verdugo以及Trent Grisham組成11
[情報] 洋基內部人士大多認爲現金人將續任Cashman’s contract is up, of course, and most in the organization believe that Hal Steinbrenner will ask him back, and that Cashman will accept. If Cashman ret urns, Boone -- finishing up the first year of three in his current deal -- is ex pected to come back, too.9
[情報] ESPN:洋基老闆訪問內容洋基老闆Hal Steinbrenner美國時間週三接受訪問 New York Yankees' Hal Steinbrenner talks free agency, praises Aaron Boone, Brian Cashman ◎休士頓之前的偷暗號醜聞,不影響洋基去追求Carlos Correa.
[閒聊] 我啾會不會什麼都沒有65
[討論] 沒心又沒腦61
[分享] ETtoday陳子豪57
Re: [閒聊] 奶哥:可以先好好吃飯了52
[閒聊] 認真問個 油油怎麼突然預算爆棚49
[閒聊] 謝謝朱哥 結果背景是2947
[討論] 網傳資格賽35人名單39
[閒聊] 朱哥 月/88w 4Y/4200w (+激勵4800w)36
[閒聊] 子豪手上的合約 爪/6年 邦/6年 ???/7年33
[閒聊] 失憶投捕好看嗎32
[討論] 邦六年約29
[閒聊] 為什麼陳邦配的聲量還蠻大的29
[閒聊] 許庭綸第幾年開始可以一軍PA>100?29
[閒聊] 又神包28
[開戰] 關心棒球的「台派」28
[閒聊] 正式簽約27
[閒聊] 柏融在台鋼的存在感24
Re: [開戰] WZH再不校稿啊21
[閒聊] 不油炸不代表不會被吃21
[閒聊] 已經碰完面了20
[討論] 如果會長搞定第二顆棒球蛋19
[閒聊] 吱吱是不是該拉個新生代直接擺一軍18
[閒聊] 朱哥明年守外野27
[討論] 今天五點前還會有新的乳模或結果出來嗎18
[閒聊] 奶哥:可以先好好吃飯了18
[閒聊] 我邦這樣算有心了嗎16
Re: [閒聊] 已經碰完面了16
[閒聊] 台鋼其實前三輪選的都還不錯吧?