Re: [分享] Freddie Freeman不會在G4先發
Will Smith左手沒有大礙,也會上。
公無渡河 公竟渡河
墮河而死 當奈公何
※ PTT 留言評論
[分享] 蘿蔔:G6道奇將使用牛棚車輪戰Dave Roberts confirmed the #Dodgers are going with a bullpen game for Game 6. 道奇總a蘿蔔宣布G6將是牛棚戰 Freddie Freeman might not play Game 6, Dave Roberts said. They’ll have a cons ervation about it.69
[情報] Freeman被移出先發打線 趕回洛杉磯Freddie Freeman was scratched from tonight’s Dodgers lineup, and is flying back to LA, Dave Roberts said His 3-year-old son, Maximus, has been in the hospital this week, according to an Instagram post yesterday from Freeman’s wife, Chelsea No timeline on how long he’ll be gone57
[情報] Freddie Freeman 不確定下一場能不能上#Dodgers manager Dave Roberts said Freddie Freeman was hurting tonight. They won ’t know what his status will be for Game 3. 蘿蔔講的,今天比賽時自由人受傷的部位很痛,不確定他在G3還能不能上 ---36
[情報] 勇士隊Freddie Freeman感染武漢肺炎來自推特的消息 勇士隊球星Freddie Freeman跟隊友感染武漢肺炎 今年感覺真的一堆人不要打了.. Brian Snitker said Freddie Freeman, Will Smith, Touki Toussaint and Pete Kozma all tested positive for COVID-19. Freeman is still battling a fever. Smith33
[情報] Freddie Freeman 預計會缺席運動家系列賽Dave Roberts said he doesn’t anticipate Freddie Freeman playing any of the game s in Oakland. Freeman’s obviously been tending to his son, Maximus. Roberts sai d Freeman has still been swinging while away from the team. 蘿蔔說他認為Freddie Freeman在對運動家的比賽都不會出場。Freeman一直在照顧他生病的23
[分享] Freddie Freeman 明天G5將重回先發打線Roberts said he thinks Freddie Freeman will be in the lineup in Game 5. Miguel Rojas is likely out. Might be able to pinch hit. 道奇隊總教練 Dave Roberts 今天接受訪問時透露 Freddie Freeman 將會在明天第五戰重新回到先發打線22
[情報] Freddie Freeman中指輕微骨裂 照常先發Manager Dave Roberts said Freddie Freeman has a hairline fracture in his right middle finger. He will continue play. 前幾天在守備時被球K到右手中指17
[情報] Freddie Freeman可能會錯過這次系列賽Dave Roberts said he doesn’t expect Freddie Freeman to be back this series. No decision made yet on if there will be a roster move to put him on the family eme rgency list. 蘿蔔在賽後說預計Freeman在這次對太空人的系列戰都不會回歸2
[分享] 今日Freddie Freeman(3BB) & Will Smith(5-4)今日Freddie Freeman : 先發一壘手第三棒 AB : 2 R : 3 H : 1
[討論] 明天有比柯主席更重要的事38
[閒聊] 球員出軌啦啦隊員46
[閒聊] 民眾黨到底是宗教還是政黨20
[閒聊] 老了Q_Q18
Re: [討論] 明天有比柯主席更重要的事15
[閒聊] 英文好難13
Re: [閒聊] PTCGP57
[閒聊] 售票情況也太慘了吧16
[閒聊] 現在的聯合公園有能力坐滿大巨蛋嗎11
[閒聊] 看熱鬧9
[廢文] 急!我有個朋友一直自稱皇帝8
[閒聊] 邦邦開季不找洋砲9
[閒聊] 王32若回樂天,引退會想去?9
[討論] 近13戰只贏一場的藍色球隊8
Re: [分享] 鍵盤球探 鄭宗哲訪談 上集8
[閒聊] 磊哥去富邦?8
[閒聊] 過敏人請進8
[討論] 猜Spenser Watkins年薪多少?7
[閒聊] 人有悲歡離合 月有陰晴圓缺7
Re: [閒聊] 緯來55
[閒聊] 老實說可能會不太舒服32
[閒聊] 北檢面試大會6
[討論] 邦邦土SP的下季大概成績38
[閒聊] 史丹利真的可以讓他水到開季21
[閒聊] 為什麼陳子豪是反象義士6
[分享] 上諭5
[閒聊] 安芝儇吃到一半跳起舞來5
[閒聊] 老闆喜歡cosplay皇帝 我該怎麼辦12
[閒聊] 小黑脆11
[閒聊] 棒球是不是也是很講天份的運動?