[分享] Devin Williams哀居新頭貼
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[情報] 洋基得到Devin WilliamsBREAKING: The New York Yankees are finalizing a trade to acquire closer Devin Williams from the Milwaukee Brewers, sources tell ESPN. 結果是洋基先出手啊,釀酒人前幾天說要等自由市場的後援投手跑一下再看報價 還是果斷賣了,洋基交易得到Devin Williams58
[情報] Yankees acquire closer Devin WilliamsBREAKING: The New York Yankees are finalizing a trade to acquire closer Devin Williams from the Milwaukee Brewers, sources tell ESPN. 洋基跟釀酒人交易得到終結者Devin Williams Second baseman Caleb Durbin is also headed to the Milwaukee Brewers along20
[情報] 釀酒人不執行Devin Williams下季球團選項The Milwaukee Brewers declined closer Devin Williams' club option for $10.5 million, source tells ESPN. He'll receive a $250,000 buyout. Williams remains with the Brewers, will be in his final year of arbitration and is expected to make $8-9 million. He's a trade candidate, too.15
[情報] 釀酒人和Devin Williams達成兩年約Devin Williams and the Brewers have agreed to a new deal that will pay the relie ver $7 million in 2024 with a $10.5 million club option for 2025 ($250K buyout), per source. The option can escalate by $1 million based on games pitched, and t he deal also includes awards bonuses15
[情報] 釀酒人隊不執行Devin Williams的選擇權The Milwaukee Brewers declined closer Devin Williams' club option for $10.5 mill ion, source tells ESPN. He'll receive a $250,000 buyout. Williams remains with t he Brewers, will be in his final year of arbitration and is expected to make $8- 9 million. He's a trade candidate, too.15
[分享] 洋基&道奇對Devin Williams有興趣What we’re hearing about trade interest in Devin Williams and other notes from the winter meetings. With @WillSammon :13
[情報] 現金人證實有跟波拉斯討論過Bregman現金人今天接受視訊訪問 Brian Cashman was asked if Alex Bregman's history being on the 2017 Astros facto rs into the Yankees decision making: "He's been a thorn in our side for years, along with other people's side. I have had a conversation or two with Scott Boras"5
[情報] Devin Williams 背部應力性骨折Milwaukee Brewers star closer Devin Williams has two stress fractures in his back and is expected to miss around three months 釀酒人明星救援投手Devin Williams 背部兩處應力性骨折 預計休息三個月3
[分享] Devin Williams BS乾 能被小熊兩出局追平 Devin Williams 484過譽 還是被MLB邊緣人 Mike Tauchman敲追平二壘安 然後隊友開搞 酒鬼被逆轉啦X
[問卦] 大頭貼放狗狗照的女生是正妹的比例偏高?我發現 哀居頭貼放狗狗照的女生 好像都長得很正 而且狗狗照越呆的越正 為什麼不放自己的照片
[閒聊] 林立FA值多少?33
[閒聊] 如果陳子豪留下來31
[閒聊] 拜託別鬧了 怎麼可能雙子留不住30
[討論] 子豪月薪目前報價(?)26
[閒聊] 路邊抽煙18
Re: [閒聊] 路邊抽煙17
[閒聊] 鳳城燒臘各位都吃什麼16
[閒聊] 美國職業足球收視大爆炸11
Re: [討論] 子豪月薪目前報價(?)11
[閒聊] 本週公布指定補償球員10
[討論] 說真的自由球員制度的本質10
[討論] 何恆佑 羅暐捷9
[討論] 有人搶到郵摺嗎8
[閒聊] 日本甲子園等級高中有來過台灣交流過嗎7
[討論] 經典畫面7
[閒聊] 如果雙子都留不住7
[閒聊] 這禮拜好刺激7
Re: [討論] 有人搶到郵摺嗎-售完補貨中10
[閒聊] 是不是在閃5
[閒聊] 田中將大去巨人4
[閒聊] 中職又沒有薪資上限4
[閒聊] 食物戰爭3
[閒聊] 台籃蔡鎮宇3
[閒聊] 不知道是不是晚了3
Re: [閒聊] NBA夢醒1
Re: [開戰] 冠軍郵摺1
[閒聊] 這樣是可以的嗎1
Re: [閒聊] 高潮賽改制建議1
[閒聊] 激勵獎金條件是總冠軍跟年度MVP