[閒聊] Goal
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[花邊] AD本賽季只有一個目標:奪冠A.D. says he has only one goal this season: "Win a championship." AD表示他本賽季只有一個目標:奪得總冠軍。 奪冠宣言 一波奪冠的開始爆
[情報] 嘴綠:我今年的目標是給CP3一座冠軍"I'll be straight up about it. My goal this year is to get Chris Paul his firs t championship. It's not to redeem anything about Draymond. My goal is that we can help Chris Paul get his first championship." Draymond Green on new Warriors teammate CP3.22
[情報] SM娛樂將 Global Goal Live延期至明年SM Entertainment(以下簡稱SM)引進的公演"Global Goal Live: The Possible Dream" 受Corona19的影響,將延期到明年。 6日(韓國時間)Global Goal Live透過官方網站宣佈:"Global Goal Live將延至2021年, 主要活動將延期至2021年9月25日。"4
[稱讚] 梅西Goal~ --3
[稱讚] GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FRA 1:0 ENG漂亮啊 --X
[問卦] Goal~~~可以喊得甜一點嗎肥宅剛看世足精華 就算是女主播用正常聲音報 最後進球那個 GOAL~~~~~~ 還是都要加粗聲調1
[抱怨] goal阿根廷!!! --1
[情報] 04/10 the daily horoscopeIf you can team up with someone who you have a mutual goal with today, dear Ge mini, you will benefit from the partnership and the camaraderie. Whether your goal is to get fit, to learn something new, or to reach for a goal, you can pr ovide inspiration, support, and so much more to each other as you move forward , benefiting both of you and making the experience more productive and also mo- 1:0 --
- 親愛的月之子,你沒有完全忘記你重要的創意目標,但你也沒有積極追求它。 你已經陷入了應付生活、處理責任,或許還處理一些悲傷或幻滅的情感,以至於你的目標 已經不再是你的主要關注,即使你偶爾也會想起它。 但你可能不會意識到,如果你現在將一些能量投入到這個目標中,它會幫助緩解你因此而 感到的絕望感。
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