[討論] KBO均速要去哪裡找
今天看到版友貼了CPBL 均速
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感謝教學! 有欸 一發問就找到了 藏在最後面
※ 編輯: iamalexnotjo ( 臺灣), 06/14/2024 22:46:19
※ 編輯: iamalexnotjo ( 臺灣), 06/14/2024 22:47:09
選右邊數來第二個(詳細分析) 然後選單裡面選平均球速
Statiz 偶爾會有錯數據 他們會修正嗎
[分享] 2021 中職直球均速排行直球均速 MAX 廖任磊 149.62 157 古林睿煬149.58 156 SP 傑 斯 149.02 156 SP 陳韻文 149.01 1569
[閒聊] LG換洋投乳摸KBO乳摸 LG計畫五月要換掉一位洋投 被替換的機率是左投Enns比較大 LHP Dietrich Enns 65% IP:42.0 ERA:5.14 均速 146.9 $1.0M8
Re: [新聞] spc爭議韓砲沒人要? 韓媒:去台灣打球KBO-CPBL Player Contract Agreement 1. When a CPBL Professional Baseball Club(hereinafter referred to as a ”CPBL Club”)wishes to contact and engage a KBO Professional baseball player, (hereinafter referred to as a ”KBO Player”)the CPBL Clubs shall first determine the staus and availability of the KBO Players by communicating with the KBO Commissioner through the CPBL Commissioner. The KBO Commissioner shall notify the CPBL Commissioner of the player’s staus and availability. 2. If the KBO Player is not under contract to, reserved by or on any inactive list or on any drafted list of a KBO baseball club(hereinafter referred to as a ”KBO Club”), the KBO Commissioner shall so notify the CPBL Commissioner and CPBL Club may then contact and engage the KBO Player. 3. If the KBO Player is under contract to, reserved by or on any inactive list or on any drafted list of a KBO Club, the KBO Commissioner notify the CPBL Commissioner and CPBL Club shall not contact and engage the KBO Player unless approval to do so is given by such KBO Club and the KBO Commissioner. 4. If a KBO Club wishes to contact and engage a CPBL professional baseball player, (hereinafter referred to as a ”CPBL Player”) the KBO Club shall first determine the staus and availability of the KBO Players by communicating with the CPBL Commissioner through the KBO Commissioner. The CPBL Commissioner shall notify the KBO Commissioner of the player’s staus and availability.5
Re: [分享] 日職均速相關今年的XD KBO今年掉速了 然後中職均速哪裡有啊?1
[閒聊] KBO均速下滑是因為怪投太多嗎?在想這個問題 韓國的怪姿勢投手真的超多 --- Lamigo 樂天桃猿 史博威 2016 KBO 5.27 2017 CPBL 2.56 卡本特
- 今日 白川恵翔 KBO第二場先發,客場面對樂天巨人 IP:1.1 H:7 R:8