[閒聊] Juan Soto 薪資仲裁 3100萬
Star outfielder Juan Soto and the New York Yankees are in agreement on a one-year, $31M contract, sources tell ESPN. Soto sets a new record for an arbitration-eligible player, beating Shohei Ohtani's $30M last year. Soto will be a free agent after '24.
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※ 編輯: Axwell ( 臺灣), 01/12/2024 09:05:51
[情報] 大聯盟官網提出七個Soto交易包裹Here are 7 potential Juan Soto trade proposals 大都會 Mets get: OF Juan Soto Nationals get: LHP David Peterson, C Francisco Álvarez (MLB No. 2 prospect), 3B50
[情報] 教士對洋基交易Juan Soto的開價來源: Momentum between the Yankees and San Diego Padres about a blockbuster Juan Soto trade has stalled, at least for now, after the sides found themselves far apart on Thursday and Friday. 洋基與教士對於Juan Soto交易的談判觸礁,雙方這幾天發現彼此的想法有落差38
[情報] Soto成為第二位22歲以前就奪上壘率王@JuanSoto25_ joins Bryce Harper (2015) as the only players 22 or younger to have the highest OBP in a season in the Expansion era. Juan Soto本季最終上壘率以.465坐收,位居全聯盟第一 是第二位在22歲以前,達成這成就27
[情報] Juan Soto確診COVID-19Washington Nationals star Juan Soto has tested positive for COVID-19 and will miss tonight's season opener against the New York Yankees, sources tell ESPN. 國民超新星Soto確診武漢肺炎,將缺席對洋基的開幕戰,Soto的確診無疑讓國民戰力受到很大的影響啊 --8
[情報] Soto成為第二位22歲以前就奪上壘率王@JuanSoto25_ joins Bryce Harper (2015) as the only players 22 or younger to have the highest OBP in a season in the Expansion era. Juan Soto本季最終上壘率以.465坐收,位居全聯盟第一 是第二位在22歲以前,達成這成就8
[情報] 教士與 Juan Soto 續約 1yr/$23MSources: Padres, Juan Soto reach $23M deal, avoid arbitration 教士與 Juan Soto 續約 1yr/$23M,避免薪資仲裁 Jeff Passan 表示 Soto 明年可能會刷新 $30M 的仲裁價紀錄 今天教士部分仲裁球員的價碼出爐,包含 Soto 和 Hader ($14.1M) 等人4
[情報] MLBTR預估Soto打破最後仲裁年薪資紀錄MLBTR薪資仲裁預估出來了 其中Soto預估是$33M 若成真將打破今年大谷的$30M最後仲裁年紀錄- The Yankees and Juan Soto are still working on a salary number. The Yankees agree Soto will break Shohei Ohtani’s arbitration-eligible $30M record, they just haven’t agreed on how much he will beat it by. 洋基預計跟Soto達成協議以避免薪資仲裁
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