Re: [討論] 詹啟聖
以前看他播過魏克森林大學的Tim Duncan賽事。
※ 引述《harrishu (永康崔拉斯)》之銘言:
: 如果有在看網球的人應該會知道
: 剛剛看到說前幾天已經離世了
: 似乎是突然的腦出血
: 真的很突然啊...
※ PTT 留言評論
[專欄] 提姆·鄧肯(Tim Duncan)作者:大導球事 (一)接觸籃球的起源 Duncan接觸籃球訓練的時間並不算早,到了十二三歲才從游泳轉為籃球,然而短短幾年後,他卻成為了基本功最好的籃球運動員。 1989年颶風突襲海島。島上唯一符合奧林匹克標準的游泳池崩壞。 Duncan怕鯊魚,不敢下海於是他的游泳生涯暫告一段落。爆
[情報] Kobe Duncan Garnett入選名人堂Kobe Bryant, Tim Duncan and Kevin Garnett will be inducted into the Naismith B asketball @Hoophall Class of 2020, sources tell @TheAthleticNBA @Stadium. Form al announcements will be made on Saturday. Kobe Bryant, Tim Duncan 和 Kevin Garnett 入選2020名人堂。 正式公告會在美國禮拜六發佈。爆
[花邊] T-mac回答誰應該要有紀錄片:Tim DuncanT-Mac believes Tim Duncan should be the next great player to get featured in a documentary: "People need to know more about Tim Duncan. He’s a very quiet guy, but he’s a freaking winner." T-Mac相信Tim Duncan應該成為下一位有紀錄片的偉大球星:「大家需要更了解關於Tim爆
[花邊] Tim Duncan 45歲生日Tim Duncan 45歲生日 Tim Duncan turns 45 today with one of game’s most impressive resumes 2x MVP 5x champion61
[情報] Carmelo Anthony 生涯得分超越Tim DuncanCarmelo Anthony has just passed Tim Duncan for 14th on the all-time @NBA scoring list! 甜瓜生涯得分超越Duncan 來到歷史第14名 恭喜瓜哥 -----42
[花邊] 字母哥談退休:想跟TD一樣 沒人知道我在哪"When I retire from this game I want to disappear. I want to go somewhere where they're not going to know me... I want to be like Tim Duncan. Where the hell is Tim Duncan?!" Giannis Antetokounmpo on his plans post-basketball career46
[花邊] 23年前的今天 馬刺選了Tim DuncanTwenty-three years ago today: "With the first pick in the 1997 NBA Draft, the San Antonio Spurs select Tim Duncan from Wake Forest University." 23年前的今天 手握狀元籤的馬刺隊在選秀會上選了來自威克森林大學的Tim Duncan
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