[分享] 肥迪要簽了
Erick Fedde is believed to be nearing a deal with an unspecified team, per source. He’s likely looking at a two-year deal worth more than $5 million per year
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[情報] LBJ與湖人續約兩年Shams Charania Sources: Four-time NBA champion LeBron James has agreed to a two-year, $97.1 million maximum contract extension with the Los Angeles Lakers, taking him under contract through 2024-25 season. LeBron James’ deal is worth up to $111 million over two years based on salary cap rises. LBJ與湖人以2年9710萬提前續約,合約第二年有球員選項(2024-25年)。爆
[外電] Stanley Johnson 兩年合約The Lakers intend to sign F Stanley Johnson to a two-year deal, including a team option for 2022-2023, sources tell ESPN. Deal expected to be signed on Thursday. Lakers had been discussing some two-for-one trades along the roster margins,爆
[情報] Seth Curry 跟獨行俠隊簽下兩年800萬合約消息來源: Seth Curry’s two-year, $8 million deal with the Dallas Mavericks is non-guaranteed in the second year of the deal, league sources told @hoopshype. Seth Curry 跟獨行俠隊的新合約價碼出爐54
[情報] Austin Rivers,尼克簽3年10M 後2年非保障消息來源: The final two years of Austin Rivers’ three-year deal with the Knicks are non-guaranteed, per SNY sources. He has a three-year, $10 million deal, ESPN reports.50
[外絮] AD:簽兩年約是在跟自己對賭That could have been a two-year, three-year deal,But I have to think about, also, the reality of things, too. I do have a little history with injuries, and a two-year deal, you kind of bet on yourself. 原本是可以簽兩年或三年,但我必須考量到現實的問題,我有一些傷病史,簽兩年約是在跟自己對賭。 I want to secure the most amount of years possible and be here long term with this team, so I thought the five-year deal was best for me in my situation 我想確保盡可能多的年限,並在這個球隊長期效力,所以我認為簽五年合約最適合我。 While the contract gives Davis security, it also could be seen as a savvy business decision.35
[情報] 渡邊雄太 跟太陽隊簽下兩年500萬美金合約消息來源: The Phoenix Suns signed forward Yuta Watanabe to a two-year, $5 million deal, league sources told @hoopshype. The deal includes a player option for the 2024-25 season. Watanabe shot a career-high 44.4 percent on 3-pointers last26
[情報] Dante Exum 跟獨行俠隊簽下兩年610萬合約消息來源: Dante Exum signed a two-year, $6.1M deal with the Mavs with the second season nonguaranteed. His $3M salary this season is a piece of the Mavs' midlevel exception.21
[情報] Kevin Love跟熱火簽下兩年約 下季年薪3.7M消息來源: Kevin Love will sign a 2-year deal, with the second year at his option, source tells AP.15
[情報] Nicolas Batum 跟快艇隊簽下兩年2200萬約消息來源: Free agent forward Nicolas Batum has reached an agreement with the Los Angeles Clippers on a two-year, $22 million deal, league sources tell @YahooSports.8
[情報] Tyler Glasnow 與光芒隊續約兩年30.35MTyler Glasnow will earn $5.35M in first year of two-year, $30.35M extension with Rays (final year of arb) and $25M in his second (first year of free agency), according to a source. Deal includes significant bonuses based on Cy Young finishes.
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