[閒聊] Boras復仇之戰
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[情報] 144尚未同意被交易去國民Eric Hosmer has been notified he’s in the agreed-upon deal. He has a no-trade a nd hasn’t consented yet. Belief is they will figure this out however, one way o r another 144有不可交易條款77
[情報] Bora$:國民不願替Soto包機去明星賽Soto Flies Commercial to HR Derby After Nationals Refuse to Charter Flight The Nationals outfielder’s agent Scott Boras told Sports Illustrated’s Stephan ie Apstein that the team didn’t charter a flight for Soto to the All-Star week after he turned down a 15-year, $440 million contract extension on Saturday38
[情報] 老爹:Soto不應該拒絕國民的440M合約的David Ortiz thinks Juan Soto should have taken the 15-year, $440 million offer f rom the Nationals "Anyone who knows this business knows that you don't say no to that... What do y ou do with $500 million that you can't do with $440 million?"32
[情報] 洋基老闆:想跟Juan Soto討論延長合約I interviewed Hal Steinbrenner for my “Yankees News & Views” podcast. He said he’d like to see Soto finish his career with the Yankees. While Boras’s client s typically go to free agency, Steinbrenner also said it’s likely there will be talks this season. Podcast dropping soon.19
[情報] 教士打算與Juan Soto及Josh Hader談續約Amazing Padres will try to extend Soto and Hader next. Here’s reax from both st ars plus Soto agent Scott Boras, who praises the Pads for trying to go long with a 4th positional superstar to assemble what he called “Mt. Crushmore.” Jon Heyman的消息15
[分享] 今日Juan SotoPA: 4 AB:1 R:2 H: 1 RBI:014
[情報] 國民給Soto報價提高到425MSOURCE: Talks are intensifying between the #Nationals and Juan Soto regarding a second offer from the team to the star for a 13-years, $425 million extension, w hich will increase the initial $350 million offer by $75 million 國民開給Soto的報價12
[情報] 老爹:Soto不應該拒絕國民的440M合約的David Ortiz thinks Juan Soto should have taken the 15-year, $440 million offer f rom the Nationals "Anyone who knows this business knows that you don't say no to that... What do y ou do with $500 million that you can't do with $440 million?"9
[情報] 乳摸:國民開給Soto的延長合約?Hearing a possible contract extension to OF Juan Soto could double the total amo unt guaranteed by the Rays to SS Wander Franco, over a 12-13 year range. 第一位爆出Franco和光芒簽下延長合約的記者Hector Gomez 前幾天發文表示,有聽說國民開給Soto的延長合約5
[情報] Soto交易案有一堆Bora$的球員XDAnd who is in the middle of getting this deal done -- Scott Boras. He reps Hosme r, who has to give his consent to be traded. He also reps Soto, Bell, McKenize G ore and James Wood. So this is the Padres/Nationals/Boras trade. 這交易中一堆Bora$的球員XD
[閒聊] 現在的89怎都越來越囂張阿..39
[開戰] 25人名單27
Re: [閒聊] 真的沒想到龍不保呂帥24
[閒聊] 大師兄引退 會去的爪迷吱迷多嗎22
[閒聊] 為什麼把呂詠臻放在25名單外?19
[閒聊] 認真問,老虎跟高永表誰強18
[閒聊] 長遠來看***往制服組發展好還是教練好15
[討論] 為什麼8+9都這麼威風15
[閒聊] 悍將新教練團15
[閒聊] 徐基麟 張景淯 鄭浩均 林暉盛13
[開戰] TPBL14
[暈船] 札幌市役所跟火腿本社的完整恩怨10
[閒聊] 笑死扁阿航的8920
[閒聊] 如果有這5位 我爪挑誰10
[討論] 要找回吸塵器當首席嗎18
[閒聊] 金鏞最後一舞?9
[閒聊] 守備能力退化 退休還能教嗎8
[閒聊] 盜帥全盛時期碰上牽制限制+壘包加大8
[開戰] 笑長、光瓜和台體幫8
[閒聊] 把凌晨三四點上班當事蹟….7
[閒聊] nba球隊單節拿8分?7
[開戰] 阿防波提咧6
[閒聊] 古代沒有投球限制 還能那麼多盜壘30
[閒聊] 真的沒想到龍不保呂帥6
[暈船] 今年季後5
[開戰] 大巨蛋開演唱會被周邊住戶抱怨5
[閒聊] 古林 IG Q&A5
[閒聊] 把犯罪證據上傳4
[閒聊] 後藤光尊4
[閒聊] 飛到日本簽約