[開戰] Aaron Boone
當7年夠了 真的瓜
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就很穩啊 不會被制裁
打到世界大賽了 續約十年
[分享] Aaron Boone看到再見滿貫的表情轉播媒體拍到洋基總a Aaron Boone 看到自由人驚天再見滿貫當下的表情爆
[分享] Boone:法官沒說他想追全壘打紀錄今天比賽法官坐板凳,所以有記者問布瓜原因 布瓜說法官沒表現出想追求他的全壘打紀錄的興趣 「不,他打球不是為了那種事。」 Aaron Judge (58 HRs) didn’t express interest in playing to chase his home run r ecord, Aaron Boone said. “No. He’s not playing for any of that.”45
[情報] Aaron Boone 將與洋基隊簽下三年合約Boone will be signing a 3-year contract with an option year to return as manager of the Yankees, according to a person who has been briefed on the matter. #yankees #boone Aaron Boone 確定回歸洋基隊擔任總教練42
[分享] Aaron Boone模仿Juan SotoAaron Boone模仿Juan Soto還蠻好笑的 影片在X上瘋傳 這是新梗圖嗎 之前學主審拉弓29
[分享] Aaron Boone:我們正處於競爭模式Aaron Boone:我們正處於競爭模式 今晚我們競爭了 終點就在那裡,我們會到達那裡25
[情報] 洋基和Aaron Boone續約三年洋基和Aaron Boone續約三年 Aaron Boone is returning as #Yankees manager on a 3-year contract with an option year as @JackCurryYES1st reported 今年合約到期的Aaron Boone27
[情報] Juan Soto可能需要休息好幾天今天再度缺席 --- Aaron Boone on Juan Soto: “It’s going to at least be a couple of days.”19
[情報] Cashman:相信如果Aaron Boone進FA會很搶Cashman on Boone: "If he was entering the free-agent market, I believe he would be the number one managerial candidate in baseball." Cashman表示他相信如果Aaron Boone進FA 會是市場上排名第一的教練候選人15
[情報] 洋基隊老闆 計畫留任 Aaron BooneYankees owner Hal Steinbrenner plans on keeping Aaron Boone as manager, per @AP_Sports & @SNYtv Steinbrenner said, "I believe he is a very good manager. I don’t see a change there.”13
[分享] Aaron Boone 精準預測超級盃比數FWIW- I’m goin w the Chiefs. 31-20. #SuperBowlLIV 今天是一年一度的超級盃 洋基總教練Aaron Boone 賽前在個人推特上 發表了自己猜測的最終比數
[閒聊] 奶哥推特 - 中信補充資訊64
[閒聊] 兄弟開3+460
[閒聊] 詹子賢求婚成功33
[分享] 陳子豪老婆曝IG爆粉絲退追潮!發文坦言能29
[討論] 25龍的火力中職史上沒見過31
[閒聊] 爪合約到底多爛啊31
[閒聊] 3+4跟4+3哪個比較好?28
[開戰] 5年破百+To vs 7年85+第三年PO27
[閒聊] 味全2025打線25
[分享] 校長要檢討FA買不到的因素25
[閒聊] 都叫雙子了23
[閒聊] 統一獅23
[閒聊] 退追就是恐怖情爪是什麼道理23
[討論] 樂天中信哪個激怒21
Re: [閒聊] 3+4跟4+3哪個比較好?22
[討論] 味全打線22
[閒聊] 所以劉志威在什麼階段才發現他給的條件19
[閒聊] 真魚:陳子豪的合約20
[討論] 有可能子豪覺得爪競爭太激烈嗎?20
[討論] 子豪經紀人跟中信哪個仇恨值比較高19
[開戰] 一日飯店爪 終身飯店爪18
[開戰] 岳東華還要多久才能FA?17
[開戰] 立法院那邊好像很熱鬧27
[閒聊] 詹子賢會留關鍵是知道陳子豪會走嗎17
[閒聊] 爪明年的先發野手17
[閒聊] 啾啾後來17
[閒聊] 38歲特攻曾文鼎年薪破千萬 vs 29歲陳子豪17
[閒聊] 1.3E17
[閒聊] 中信幹嘛不給7+316
[討論] 爪對子豪薪水踩很死