[閒聊] 在 X 上滑到一則在臭 Judge 的
BREAKING: It’s been announced that Yankee superstar Aaron Judge will be in Times Square this New Years Eve to help drop the ball.
「今年跨年賈吉要到時代廣場參與降球(drop the ball)儀式」 XD
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[分享] Aaron Judge 抓惹ball????????????? 上一局才跳接NP 第五局接Edman平凡飛球結果抓惹ball 會不會變成比賽轉捩點嘞? (幹追平了XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD60
[分享] Brayan Rocchio drop the ballGuardians游擊手Brayan Rocchio drops the ball again 可能形成的雙殺沒接到球變all safe 背水一戰的延長賽被Soto炸囉 怎麼又又又是你???38
[分享] 62轟的球價值至少200萬鎂來源:ClutchPoints 網址: The lucky fan that caught Aaron Judge's historic 62nd HR ball is being taken by security to have the ball authenticated. 接到Aaron Judge那顆破紀錄62轟的幸運球迷馬上就被保全接走,認證那一顆球。24
[閒聊] Aaron Judge合理價是多少啊Yankees' Aaron Judge on contract extension: 'I'd be honored to wear pinstripes f or a couple more years' 最近法官上了沙胖的廣播節目R2C2 然後有提到和洋基的延長合約19
[情報] 法官最後決選三隊:NYY、SFG、SDPAaron Judge flew into San Diego at the last minute to decide among three teams: the New York Yankees, the San Francisco Giants and the San Diego Padres. The Yan kees bumped their offer to nine years and $360 million, and in the end, Judge de cided he wanted to remain a Yankee21
[分享] 2024 0906 台灣棒球drop the ball之日今天在台灣進行的棒球比賽 四地的比賽 就有三地發生高飛球接球失誤 共發生了5次的抓惹波 富邦 VS 台鋼 @嘉義市 [討論] 申皓瑋 drop the ball20
[分享] Judge 本季第62號全壘打球拍賣成交價150萬BREAKING NEWS After declining a $3,000,000 offer for Aaron Judge’s 62nd Home Run ball, Corey Youmans elected to send the ball to auction. Well that auction just ended and…4
Re: [分享] Aaron Judge 抓惹ball領先五分 第五局 一個飛球 中外野手接球失誤讓球落地 游擊手也出現一次失誤 領先變不見X
[分享] 法官季後賽a_199_batting/ 亞倫·賈吉 (Aaron Judge) 在 55 場職業季後賽比賽中被三振 85 次,擊球率為 0.199 亞倫·賈吉 (Aaron Judge) 是美國職棒大聯盟 (MLB) 季後賽無戒指球員中三振數最多的球 員- ----- Sent from JPTT on my Samsung SM-A146P. --
[討論] 明天有比柯主席更重要的事38
[閒聊] 球員出軌啦啦隊員46
[閒聊] 民眾黨到底是宗教還是政黨20
[閒聊] 老了Q_Q18
Re: [討論] 明天有比柯主席更重要的事15
[閒聊] 英文好難57
[閒聊] 售票情況也太慘了吧13
Re: [閒聊] PTCGP16
[閒聊] 現在的聯合公園有能力坐滿大巨蛋嗎11
[閒聊] 看熱鬧9
[討論] 近13戰只贏一場的藍色球隊8
[閒聊] 邦邦開季不找洋砲9
[廢文] 急!我有個朋友一直自稱皇帝9
[閒聊] 王32若回樂天,引退會想去?8
Re: [分享] 鍵盤球探 鄭宗哲訪談 上集8
[討論] 猜Spenser Watkins年薪多少?8
[閒聊] 過敏人請進7
Re: [閒聊] 緯來7
[閒聊] 人有悲歡離合 月有陰晴圓缺32
[閒聊] 北檢面試大會6
[分享] 上諭55
[閒聊] 老實說可能會不太舒服6
[討論] 邦邦土SP的下季大概成績38
[閒聊] 史丹利真的可以讓他水到開季21
[閒聊] 為什麼陳子豪是反象義士5
[閒聊] 安芝儇吃到一半跳起舞來5
[閒聊] 老闆喜歡cosplay皇帝 我該怎麼辦12
[閒聊] 小黑脆4
[閒聊] 工具人阿崔4
[閒聊] 詹咩拿魚住的狗嚇高VJ