[閒聊] Paul Skenes
就在剛剛MLB X轉貼
狀元Paul Skenes的女友Livvy Dunne
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話說昨天烏克蘭正妹刷新跳高新紀錄2米10,(1987年 2m09
[分享] 海盜狀元IG:和女友去看母校美足比賽海盜狀元Paul Skenes昨天在IG上 PO了和女友去看母校美足球隊比賽 這鬍子真的很老69
[情報] 海盜狀元Skenes女友:Olivia DunneIt’s official: Paul Skenes and Olivia Dunne are dating. Skenes, the No. 1 overall pick by the Pittsburgh Pirates in the 2023 MLB Draft, confirmed the rumored love affair during an interview with the Pittsburgh Post-G azette this week.40
[分享] Paul Skenes 選秀完未滿一年入選明星賽July 9, 2023: Selected 1st overall in the #MLBDraft July 7, 2024: Selected to the #AllStarGame Paul Skenes is something else Skenes在去年美國時間的7月9日成為選秀狀元,今年7月7日入選明星賽28
[情報] 今日Paul Skenes(女友已決定初登板穿著今日 Paul Skenes IP:4.1 H:5 R:2 ER:131
[分享] Paul Skenes女友:睡醒發現男友上MLB了影片 Livvy Dunne's reaction to Paul Skenes getting called up to the Pirates 海盜狀元Paul Skenes 的女友Livvy Dunne在自己抖音帳號發了一部影片 小睡過後發現男友上了大聯盟28
[分享] MLB明星賽名單美聯投手 國聯投手 Paul Skenes菜鳥入選明星賽真的猛18
[分享] 海盜狀元女友電腦追比賽Livvy Dunne posted a TikTok watching her boyfriend Paul Skenes pitch in the MLB Spring Breakout game today 海盜狀元Paul Skenes的體操運動員女友Livvy Dunne 在抖音上發了一部他用筆電看自己男友15
[閒聊] Paul Skenes和山本由伸最近美國網友好像在吵山本和海盜狀元Paul Skenes 一些MLB pipeline的作家把山本排在Skenes後面 太扯= = 只不過Paul Skenes外表比山本老多了XD14
[分享] 小球迷被問到最喜歡Skenes的哪些部分Kid at the Pirates game said his favorite thing about Paul Skenes is “his mus tache and Livvy Dunne.” 今天場邊記者訪問一個海盜小球迷 問到最喜歡Skenes的哪些東西10
[情報] Paul Skenes每投一次三振,就捐100鎂Paul Skenes is donating $100 to the Gary Sinise Foundation for every strikeout h e records this season. The money will go directly toward raising funds for veterans and first responder s.
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[閒聊] 其實火腿隊來什麼人不太重要吧