[討論] 如果台鋼簽下Austin Meadows
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[討論] Austin Meadows禰豆子是光芒隊的希望嗎?!昨天的基芒大戰很精彩 是一場有來有往的投手戰 光芒隊的禰豆子如果沒有對洋基投手寇爾轟出那一發全壘打 想必光芒還要血汗加班好幾局 請問一下各位, Austin Meadows禰豆子38
[情報] 老虎得到Austin MeadowsTigers Acquire Austin Meadows April 4th, 2022 at 8:58pm CST ‧ By Anthony Franco The Tigers announced this evening they’ve acquired outfielder Austin Meadows from the Rays for third baseman Isaac Paredes and a Competitive Balance Round B selection.25
[炸裂] Austin Meadows比賽來到五局下半兩出局 光芒右外野手Austin Meadows 一棒送往右外野的陽春砲 幫助光芒1:1追平洋基 --10
[炸裂] Austin Meadows光芒跟馬林魚的佛州內戰連兩天都是投手戰 連兩天都是Austin Meadows 的陽春砲幫助光芒突破僵局 光芒1-0領先 --9
[情報] Austin Meadows 本季確定無法回歸Tigers outfielder Austin Meadows won’t return from the injured list this seas on, as manager A.J. Hinch told reporters (including MLB.com’s Jason Beck) thi s afternoon. Meadows initially was placed on the injured list back in April du e to anxiety, and has been away from the team since June. 老虎總教練A.J. Hinch 接受記者採訪時證實外野手Austin Meadows 本季確定無法回歸。6
[情報] Austin Meadows去老虎We have acquired OF Austin Meadows from the Tampa Bay Rays in exchange for INF Isaac Paredes and a competitive balance-B pick in the 2022 MLB Draft. Austin Meadows <-> Isaac Paredes + 介於第二輪與第三輪之間的競爭平衡選秀權 有看到消息說老虎想捕外野手,不過沒想到光芒會在這個時間點賣Meadows5
[情報] 老虎non-tender Austin Meadows等五人The Tigers announced this evening that they have non-tendered outfielder Austi n Meadows and right-hander Spencer Turnbull. Right-handers Brenan Hanifee, Gar rett Hill, and Freddy Pacheco were all non-tendered as well. All five players will now hit the open market as free agents. 老虎在今天宣布non-tender 外野手Austin Meadows 、右投手Spencer Turnbull 、Brena1
[炸裂] Austin Meadows光芒的Austin Meadows 在一局下半一二壘有人 對Cole轟出3分砲 個人第19發全壘打 目前4:0領先洋基 抱歉慢很多 以為有人發 對手是Cole 不發一下太可惜了4
[炸裂] Austin MeadowsALDS Game 3 才排上先發的Austin Meadows 在第一局就從Eovaldi手中敲出兩分砲,幫助光芒率先取得領先 這個系列賽有機會場場變成打擊戰嗎 影片: --2
[炸裂] Austin Meadows 雙響炮Austin Meadows在第6局對上Abreu轟出2分砲 今天雙響炮 Abreu上來一個人次都沒解決就被敲3轟 丟6分 目前光芒14:0領先洋基 --
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