[疑問] 村上

看板BaseballXXXX標題[疑問] 村上作者
時間推噓 2 推:2 噓:0 →:7

他最早入札是2025還2026啊? 難不成因為他年初生的問題要往後一年?


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WasJohnWall11/14 14:26因為他2024打完年底放到入札名單上也才24

polanco11/14 14:32Foreign professionals -- defined as players who are

polanco11/14 14:32at least 25 years of age and have played as a profes

polanco11/14 14:32sional in a foreign league recognized by Major Leagu

polanco11/14 14:32e Baseball for a minimum of six seasons -- maintain

polanco11/14 14:32exemption from the international bonus pool.

polanco11/14 14:34嗯 不過不確定是開季滿25還是入札的當下滿25

WasJohnWall11/14 14:39年底入札24春訓前滿25這樣

Fitzwilliam11/14 14:41山田終於被分身王踩惹,「安於舒適圈的1號」