Re: [閒聊] 美國軍人躲在紙箱裏 成功避過AI偵察
------------------------------------------------------------ @tyomateee
“Two dribble shot, three dribble shot, four or five dribble shot, 10 dribble
shot. 24 second shot clock shot. No dribble shot. Shoot when I want to shoot
shot. He has every shot. Kobe is amazing.”
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[情報] 西河試圖多次拍打後球沒被運起來直接拿Westbrook bricks a shot after trying to get his dribble back 西河試圖多次拍打後球沒被運起來直接拿球轉身出手 來源ESPN:爆
[外絮] Caron Butler 分享和Kobe同隊時的小故事Caron Butler shares insane story about Kobe Bryant cussing, demanding the ball , then hitting game-winner “I’ve never told this story,” Butler said during a podcast appearance. “We was in Charlotte, and we was in the huddle, and he was like, the game was tie96
[花邊] 青賽Smart跳球後讓人無法理解的投球來源: Yahoo Sports 網址: Marcus Smart's head-scratching shot off a jump ball 在跳球後Marcus Smart令人費解的出手 There's a lot of beauty in the game of basketball. The way that the ball goes82
[情報] 誰是第二好的3分射手?Kyle KorverTodd Whiteheadynergy Sport分析師 Synergy Shot Making leaderboard on threes since 2012, minimum 2500 attempts (Top 10 of 57 players). 2012後,3分球排行榜(至少要有2500次的出手)31
[情報] 昨日裁判報告整理(咖哩走步+K湯打手)來源: 昨日所有球隊都有比賽 有發出多份裁判報告 其中大家最關注的國王、勇士比賽 K湯打手犯規確實漏吹了31
[情報] Kawhi: Kobe告訴我他曾一場投47球消息來源: 內容: “He said ‘I shot it 47 times.’” Kawhi talks about Kobe’s competitiveness with the Inside Guys. ==22
[外絮] 嘴綠今日比賽投進Logo Shot來源: USA Today 網址: Draymond Green drills deep 3-pointer from near the logo to beat the shot clock 嘴綠在時間終了前投進大號3分Logo Shot After registering a scoreless performance with zero shot attempts from the20
Re: [無糖] 久保同學不讓我打嗝看到這個就要來講解一下打嗝的最佳解法了 ---------------------------------- 這要先解釋一下,人會打嗝是因為你的迷走神經突然發瘋18
Re: [新聞] 台灣被中國攻擊 希望從德國得到那些援助去年年底的新聞 遏止中國野心 德國軍艦睽違近20年首次進入南海 ------------------------------------------- 德國國防部發言人今天在柏林表示,這艘德國軍艦前往新加坡途中經過南海,預計整個航
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[妮姬] 拉毗SSR颯爽登場!!!79
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[閒聊] 勇者的三大志向