[閒聊] Nexus Mods:我們不會提供帕魯寶可夢MOD

看板C_Chat標題[閒聊] Nexus Mods:我們不會提供帕魯寶可夢MOD作者
時間推噓25 推:25 噓:0 →:11

Nexus Mods Refuses to Host Palworld Pokemon Mods Out of Fear of Legal Action
From Nintendo

Speaking to PCGamesN, Nexus Mods community lead Mathew Elliott said the
platform is “not comfortable” hosting Pokemon mods for the phenomenally
successful Palworld, but will allow other mods for the game.

Nexus Mods社群負責人表示,
平台「不太安心」為現今非常成功的 Palworld 提供寶可夢MOD,

Nexus Mods’ stance stems from a fear of potential legal action from Nintendo, Elliott said. “As you may know, Nintendo (who jointly own the Pokemon
franchise) has a consistent record of mercilessly submitting legal challenges, DMCAs, and takedowns against fan-made content,” Elliott pointed out.

負責人表示,Nexus Mods 的立場,源於對任天堂可能提起法律訴訟的擔憂。


“Given Palworld’s similarity to the Pokemon franchise as a base game,
hosting content that adds copyrighted characters or assets into the game is
almost certainly going to put us at risk of legal action.

「考慮到 Palworld 遊戲本身與寶可夢系列的相似性,

“We don’t think it’s worth the risk to allow this content to be shared in
our community. At best, we would have to deal with the headache of DMCA/legalthreats from Nintendo, and at worst they may seek to take action against us
and uploaders of the mods directly.


“There are many creative opportunities to explore mods for this game that add to the world and gameplay, but do not infringe on existing IP so obviously.
We’re really excited to see what the Palworld modding community comes up with.”

我們非常期待看到 Palworld MOD社區未來將會發布的內容。」





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gaym1901/25 22:20會怕齁

guogu01/25 22:21怕了

jokerpok01/25 22:21我去這個網站都找色色的模組

a215670001/25 22:21急了

Annulene01/25 22:22之前那個討論變成有後續動作 明明兩回事 拼成一件事..

Augustus501/25 22:25好的,請提供數碼寶貝的MOD

ayuhb01/25 22:26怕啦

SRNOB01/25 22:26怎麼入門 我只有中華的mod

super193701/25 22:27會怕喔

a204a21801/25 22:27Nexus:我還想要命的

ryoma101/25 22:28老任會給寬限啦,之前《Final Sword》用到薩爾達音樂,也

ryoma101/25 22:29是下架而已,修改後還不是好好的給上架了

Ikaruwill01/25 22:31翻譯:請不要教唆他人自殺

intela0325201/25 22:46其實任天堂都會先警告,屢勸不聽才會訴訟

intela0325201/25 22:47連實體馬車這種往你臉上踩的東西都是先警告

kinuhata01/25 22:49求生意志強烈

egg78101/25 22:51Nexus沒了對大家都沒好處,別害他

egg78101/25 22:52這網站找MOD相對方便,還有縮圖能預覽

Doracacazin01/25 22:58這網站是我打魔物的動力 別亂來

yangtsur01/25 23:04會怕就好

asmiocv01/25 23:10巫師三MOD都從這找的,別搞掉耶

kaj198301/25 23:12覺得就只是為了一個寶可夢mod賠上所有mod不值得所以不放

kaj198301/25 23:12這才是負責任的網站

a2735894201/25 23:17各種遊戲都有2B的模組,反觀任天堂…

starsheep01301/25 23:19怕死了

poke00101/25 23:28直接用寶可夢模組本來就穩穩地踩在線上了 老任本來就有機

poke00101/25 23:29會鐵拳制裁

bhenry199001/25 23:29別把任天堂智財部引來

MajorC01/25 23:33Nexus:這鍋我不背

Yachaos01/25 23:41請不要放寶可夢,但可以放其他侵權mod,因為不會告

jack7013401/25 23:51怕被告?

staco01/26 00:05它本來就會配合砍mod,這只是先聲明好叫人別想踩線而已

tiger87031601/26 01:18任天堂忍者已經上門關切過了

SapphireNoah01/26 03:40那可以有數碼寶貝的MOD嗎

andy358001/26 13:35沒辦法 任天堂以告人跟掃興為樂 平台也是怕麻煩