[閒聊] 碧藍航線新skin-風帆 普茲茅斯冒險號
Adventurous Surprise
Wait, Commander?! You're here way ahead of time! N-no, this is NOT what my special surprise is supposed to be!
Portsmouth Adventure is changing into her new attire. She will grace your dock in the near future, Commander.
#AzurLane #Yostar
※ PTT 留言評論
[航線] 美服推特:我們公開了作弊玩家名單Dear Commander, A new Wall of Shame is up for "Interlude of Illusions" and "Windborne Steel Wing s". This sours the gaming experience for all players in the community. Take this as a strict warning of future players who are considering cheating.8
[爆卦] 台灣之光!桃園榮家辣妹跳舞 登上外國媒體TMZ_TV: Whoever wanted to make the residence at this Nursing Home happy did a fantastic job See the wild surprise they got at the link in bio : Newsflare13
[情報] 美服活動Twitter或Facebook上發布10秒鐘或以上的自己的Azur Lane Highlights視頻,使用#Azu rLane2ndAnniv標籤,並在此處提交您的信息(),以接收200顆 寶石。 Dear Commander, Post a 10 seconds or above video of your own Azur Lane Highlights on Twitter o9
[閒聊] 雲仙 L2D泳裝造型換裝來自國際服推特 Sojourn Through Clear Seas Commander~ Come over here~♥ Heehee, you look surprised... I don't think I'm dre ssed strangely at all. IJN Unzen is changing into her new L2D attire. She will grace your dock in the n9
[碧藍] 航線 大帝mommy新L2D造型國際服推特 One Summer Night's Intimacy Welcome, my child. What do you desire tonight?5
[情報] 12/25 the daily horoscopeA new adventure awaits you, Gemini, and you can almost feel it in the air. Thi s is a magical time for you, and you should soon receive an invitation or an o ffer to do something you have always wanted to do. And more than that, there m ay be an exciting reward involved. You have an adventurous spirit, and you are not afraid to take on a challenge. But before you choose to move forward, be3
[情報] 06/17 the daily horoscopeIf you had a time machine, Gemini, you would probably choose to travel back to the past right now. Despite your adventurous nature, the thought of traveling ahead might scare you. You may have fears that things will not be as good in the future as they were in the past. Recent experiences may have also contribu ted to this line of thinking. But today, or very soon, you will receive a glim3
[閒聊] 碧藍航線新動態SKIN 根傑伊薩瓦伊號國際服官推 Mermaid in Distress You heard my song? Thank goodness... Someone has finally come for me! Say, could1
[分享] 軍事英文詞彙TRANSCRIPT Hi, everybody. Welcome back to www.engvid.com. I'm Adam. In today's lesson we're going to look at some military expressions and slang that are used in everyday English. So, in many situations, when there is a war and there's1
[情報] 06/27 the daily horoscopeIt can be difficult to differentiate a need to be adventurous from a desire to escape something. You do have an adventurous heart, dear Gemini, and you may be exploring ideas now that will take you away from something because you don' t want to face it. But facing it could be a really big adventure in itself. Tr y to see it that way. There is a tricky emotional matter that you have to deal
Re: [閒聊] 怎麼?你當台灣人當得很難過嗎?爆
[閒聊] 發現喜歡的女生是單親媽媽該怎麼辦?爆
[閒聊] TGA應該要由玩家投票決定嗎?爆
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[討論] 日本古代的鐵這麼優質嗎79
[情報] IGN:黑悟空是公開評分最低的TGA提名遊戲47
[閒聊] 暗喻幻想製作人:已經開始著手下一款新作71
[閒聊] 宙斯是不是真的不覺得待在T1開心過37
[閒聊] 飛彈還能裝那麼多彈頭喔37
[閒聊] 本屆TGA入圍跟DEI介入有關聯嗎?32
[情報] 2025這本輕小說真厲害 第一名 敗北女角太33
[Vtub] 輪堂千速 肉肉大腿 gif32
[閒聊] 說到"歌姬"會想到哪些角色?27
Re: [閒聊] 怎麼?你當台灣人當得很難過嗎?28
[閒聊] 這本輕小說真厲害 202526
[閒聊] 鐵道 內鬼 遺器系統大進化27
[鳴潮] 2.0內鬼爆料 今汐:會贏喔27
[問題] 台詞不多卻很帥的角色27
[暴死] 星戰亡命之徒 Steam 發售 834人最高上線27
[問題] PS5光碟機缺貨是不是索尼想搞數位化26
[閒聊] 有像譚雅形容共產黨一樣創意的台詞嗎24
[閒聊] 七龍珠如果打入複雜情節33
[閒聊] T1粉絲有9成5都是Faker粉嗎??23
[閒聊] Steam版 星際大戰亡命之徒 10/10推薦24
[閒聊] 劍星 比起屁股我果然還是比較喜歡奶啊22
[馬娘] 大和赤驥:說話請看著我的眼睛22
[閒聊] 富樫老婆會幫他畫嗎