[閒聊] 海盜戰記S2 OP MV完整版
第二季出來之後一直重複聽 又洗腦又好聽
Written by Anonymouz, Valerie James & Peter James
Arranged by Ryuichi Kureha
Water running stronger, rougher
Holding on to any any anything
All I want is to survive it
If I let go, will it be the end of me
Got to move on
Held on too long
Sweep me away
Out into the ocean
Mighty river
Release my soul
I need to see the world
To the unknown
I’ll go against my sorrow, sorrow
Mighty river
Release my soul
Out to the open gold
I can’t stay here forever
In this hollow
Oh river take me out
Take me away river
Oh river take me out
Take me out to the unknown
Oh river take me out
Take me away river
Oh river take me out
Take me out to the unknown
Out into the ocean
好聽 片尾也很讚
歌真的好聽 雖然連第一季都沒看
超好聽 這首真的很適合海盜戰記
這麼早就有完整版!! 以前至少等一個月
可惜ED完整曲要等2/7 哭啊
[花邊] 字母哥談招募:我負責打球,不干涉管理層On recruiting players: "I try to stay away from politics in this game and be as authentic as I can. I'm part of the business but I don't want to be a part of that game"33
[閒聊] YOASOBI / Into The Night (夜に駆ける)YOASOBI / Into The Night (「夜に駆ける」English Ver.) Konnie Aoki的填詞和ikura的唱腔跟鬼一樣 各種空耳 Seize a move, you're on me, falling, and we were dissolving You and me, skies above and wide, it brings on the true night on me8
[閒聊] 地平線2主題曲in the flood歌詞意境這首歌頗喜歡,尤其全破後我還聽了好幾次,歌詞如下: Am I the one to hold This crown of ash and salt? Their kindness calls to me I have to block it outX
[問卦] Is this the real life ? Is this just fIs this the real life ? Is this just fantasy ? Caught in a landslide No escape from reality2
[問卦]You look wonderful tonight?It's late in the evening She's wondering what clothes to wear She puts on her make up And brushes her long blonde hair And then she asks me, "Do I look alright?"
[閒聊] 擅長逃跑的殿下 191 出大事!!47
[閒聊] 三國故事怎麼都有種草草收尾的感覺?爆
[情報] 科學超電磁砲 四期製作決定37
[討論] 希特勒有對不起德國人嗎?25
[母雞] 日本匿名投票網對角色厭惡程度(附評論)32
[母雞卡] 07 真的是表面上這樣嗎?28
Re: [母雞] 感覺編劇連自己在寫啥都不知道爆
[推投] 母雞卡四大團最喜歡哪個?27
[閒聊] 甲鐵城的卡巴內里覺得不錯26
[母雞] 祥子與睦的關係性87
Re: [母雞卡] 各位是真的覺得愛音被NTR嗎? (有雷)26
[閒聊] 噬血狂襲的人設為什麼可以賣這麼久?21
[閒聊] 新約魔禁是不是還有機會動畫化?23
[閒聊] Mygo的主角是燈還是愛音?23
[閒聊] 全蓮芙莉中心21
Re: [母雞卡] 各位是真的覺得愛音被NTR嗎? (有雷)22
[母雞] 母雞卡07二刷之後感覺怪怪的62
[活俠] 世界上真有一座崆峒山,那小梅呢?16
[母雞] 愛爽根本謊稱是友誼其實疏遠的可以吧35
[閒聊] 電磁炮宣布四期 那本傳魔禁四期約呢?21
Re: [母雞] 柿本廣大X(推特)14
[Vtub] 周防パトラ 聯名新耳機開箱14
Re: [母雞] 感覺編劇連自己在寫啥都不知道爆
[情報] 科學超電磁砲 第4期製作決定13
[MYGO] 看到第八話 有些不懂的地方 = =24
[閒聊] 將資產變兩倍的方法首先會想到?13
[閒聊] 想換掉ipad mini5 遊戲、追劇 動畫 平板推薦13
[閒聊] 佐賀偶像是傳奇聖地巡禮Part1-佐賀市13
[閒聊] 瑠璃龍龍 29爆
Re: [情報] 公主騎士的小白臉 動畫化