[方吉] NEO菇菇栽培研究室 New Years新年微更新
[NEO Mushroom Garden] New Years Mini Update!New Order+ Added!
In Japan, to bring good fortune in the new year, kagamimochi is opened as an
offering to the gods on the 11th day of January...wait that's today!
This year, join the Funghi in NEO as they welcome the new year with their ownkagamimochi♪
New Order+ Added!
*Grand Mochi Opening!*
To bring good fortune in the new year,
the Funghi have gathered to open the kagamimochi.
But wait, isn't this mochi a little too hard...?
There's no way to open it!
Come help the Funghi welcome in the new year!
※ PTT 留言評論
[情報] 台積電美國來台受訓在glassdoor評論網頁在glassdoor 這glassdoor上的評論這樣寫是可以的嗎? "The work culture in Taiwan is really different than in the US. I am sure TSMC will have to change to an 8 hour work day five days a week or do what other companies do with Fabs and run three days on, four days off, four days on, three days off rotations. As it is right now in Taiwan The minimum amount of time at the company is 10 hours a day, but realistically is running up to even 12 hours a day. This is for those of us who are American training to go back to the new operation in Arizona. The reality for people from Taiwan is that they are doing even more than 12 hour days often. There's also the night shifts and weekend shifts on duty and/or on call. That last part is understandable as the fab lives 24/7."27
[情報] 國民日報記者:今年LCK要關錢包了?韓國國民日報記者剛剛發了一篇文 然後我丟Google翻譯翻成英文來看 是在講LCK薪資 Many teams are expected to close their wallets this year. Last year, teams gener5
Re: [情報] 太空人隊重新接觸Carlos CorreaHearing the Astros/Correa talks are focused on whether the possible agreement wo uld be for one year, or, failing that, if it would be a multi-year deal in the r ange of 5-10 years. 聽說雙方談判的重點在於一年約或是5-10年的複數年合約2
[方吉] NEO菇菇栽培研究室 Christmas聖誕微更新[NEO Mushroom Garden]Christmas Mini Update!New Order+ Added! Christmas lights are being hung and Christmas songs can be heard all around. With all the festivities, don't forget to celebrate Christmas in NEO Mushroom1
[方吉] NEO菇菇栽培研究室 更新Nightly CloudsNEO Mushroom Garden 菇菇栽培研究室 [NEO Mushroom Garden] Theme "Nightly Clouds" has new upgrades! Ver.2.61.0 Update!- Theme "Cozy Christmas" has new upgrades! Ver.2.63.0 Update! December Update: New upgrades for "Cozy Christmas"! Gather 'round the fire, the next story is about to begin.
Re: [閒聊]三重受災戶今天撿的垃圾爆
[推投] 鋼之鍊金術師/鋼鍊 最喜歡女角「1票」爆
Re: [閒聊] 川普當選會減緩DEI浪潮的狂奔嗎?爆
Re: [閒聊] 川普當選會減緩DEI浪潮的狂奔嗎?92
[Vtub] 三毛貓遭過激網友騷擾!飴宮奈砂、ルキ81
[閒聊] 各位覺得寶可夢卡牌可以撐多久64
[閒聊] 歷史改編的作品需不需要特別約束?66
[又贏] 分析師:PS5今年銷量將力壓任天堂新機NS2爆
[鳴潮] 角色介紹 菲比53
[閒聊] 煮過頭跟大富翁哪個最能破壞友情?45
[獵人] 旋律是個交往的好對象嗎?45
[妮姬] 米蘭達是輸在哪?45
[閒聊] 裙子裡垂下電線的女高中生43
[情報] 好微笑 新商品:觸手生物 UBC-40440
Re: [鳴潮] 角色介紹 菲比36
[閒聊] 漫威爭鋒隱形女 女模:哇這是我的屁股吧40
Re: [鳴潮] 無人在意的角落 落跑將軍扛下了一切37
[閒聊] 神劍闖江湖 新版九頭龍閃34
[閒聊] 御坂美琴 (等身大)27
[閒聊] NS副廠設備是誰在買?30
[閒聊] 鋼彈中明明不錯卻被當很爛的機體?31
Re: [閒聊] PC端營收 倒欠米哈遊35億營收31
[閒聊] 過年有推薦可以一起玩的遊戲嗎?29
[閒聊] 中華元素的日本歌曲有推薦的嗎?28
[母雞] 誰會當睦頭解謎人47
[情報] 若葉睦 官方明信片26
[閒聊] 驚爆危機f漫畫版 第二話25
[討論] 其實祥子情商是不是超低啊?25
Re: [閒聊] PC端營收 倒欠米哈遊35億營收