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Exclusive: Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man 4 Is Actually In The Works


Before there was Tom Holland, before there was Andrew Garfield, and even beforethere was a Marvel Cinematic Universe, there was Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man. Originally in three movies for Sony, there were serious plans for a fourth. In fact, years were spent trying to make Spider-Man 4 happen for a 2011 release date,but instead, the movie was scrapped in 2010 and a reboot with Andrew Garfield graced the screens instead. While that reboot turned into its own phenomenon, so much work was done on Spider-Man 4 that fans have remained curious about what could have been. Over a decade later, the conversation hasn’t stopped. After somework from a trusted and proven inside source for Giant Freakin Robot, we have learned that Sony is currently revisiting the idea of Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man4 in a new way.

Our source shared that because of the huge success Sony has recently seen with Spider-Man, they are considering making Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man 4. The current idea is to tell the fourth story as an animated movie. The style would be something similar to what fans have loved with Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse.

While we learned that Sony is considering this, it sounds like it’s still in the early stages, which makes sense. There’s a lot happening for Marvel and Sonywith Spider-Man right now. Still, we have a lot of questions, most of which thestudio may currently be working on themselves. While they’re looking at creating this project right now with Tobey Maguire, would Kirsten Dunst be involved? She played Mary Jane Watson in the first three films. When Spider-Man 4 was discussed, director Sam Raimi said he couldn’t imagine making another one without her. At the same time, she wasn’t confirmed for the sequel when it was eventuallycancelled. Another interesting question here is at what point in the timeline Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man 4 would pick up. Animation leaves a lot of room for options here.

Potentially, an animated Spider-Man 4 could pick up right where Spider-Man 3 left off, with Tobey Maguire asking Kirsten Dunst for a dance. The original plans for the live-action version aren’t likely to be held too tightly. It’s been reported that Vulture would have been the main villain, with Anne Hathaway playingFelicia Hardy (Black Cat). However, one of the main reasons it was dropped was that director Sam Raimi hated the story they had.

This paragraph contains some spoilers for Spider-Man: No Way Home. Spider-Man: No Way Home revealed little about Tobey Maguire’s life since Spider-Man 3. It’s said that he was still with Mary Jane, but it didn’t claim they were married.It’s possible they are, it just wasn’t said. As Peter Parker arrived in Tom Holland’s world, he wore his Spider-Man suit under his clothes, so it’s known that at 40 years old, he was still crime-fighting at the drop of a hat, despite his back problems. Would a new Spider-Man 4 tell more about what Tobey Maguire’sPeter Parker went through all those years up to No Way Home? Or take place after?

Picking up shortly after Spider-Man 3 seems the most likely. That would be partof the advantage to using animation instead of live-action for this new projectwith Tobey Maguire. In No Way Home, it was mentioned that Mary Jane and Peter Parker were married, but that it wasn’t easy. Since Spider-Man 3 ended with the two dancing, it would seem natural for Spider-Man 4 to explore more of how they make their odd relationship work.



獨家:托比馬奎爾的蜘蛛人4 實際上正在製作中

作者: FAITH MCKAY | 9 秒前

在湯姆·荷蘭出現之前,在安德魯·加菲出現之前,甚至在漫威電影宇宙出現之前,托比·麥奎爾都曾飾演蜘蛛人。 索尼最初在三部電影中,有認真的計劃製作第四部。 事實上,花了數年時間試圖讓蜘蛛人 4 在 2011 年上映,但相反,這部電影在 2010 年被取消,而安德魯加菲的重新啟動反而使銀幕變得更加光彩奪目。 雖然重新啟動變成了自己的現象,但在蜘蛛人 4 上完成瞭如此多的工作,以至於粉絲們仍然對可能發生的事情感到好奇。 十多年後,對話並沒有停止。 在對 Giant Freakin Robot 的可信且經過驗證的內部資源進行了一些工作後,我們了解到索尼目前正在以一種新的方式重新審視托比馬奎爾的蜘蛛俠人4的想法。

我們的消息來源分享說,由於索尼最近在蜘蛛俠方面取得了巨大成功,他們正在考慮製作托比麥奎爾的蜘蛛人 4。目前的想法是將第四個故事作為動畫電影來講述。 這種風格類似於粉絲們喜歡的蜘蛛俠:平行宇宙。

雖然我們了解到索尼正在考慮這一點,但聽起來它仍處於早期階段,這是有道理的。 漫威和索尼的蜘蛛人現在發生了很多事情。 儘管如此,我們還有很多問題,工作室目前可能正在解決其中的大部分問題。 當他們現在正在考慮與托比馬奎爾一起創建這個項目時,克爾斯滕鄧斯特會參與嗎? 她在前三部電影中扮演瑪麗·簡·沃森。 當討論《蜘蛛俠人4》時,導演山姆·雷米說他無法想像沒有她還能再拍一部。 與此同時,當續集最終被取消時,她並沒有得到確認。 另一個有趣的問題是托比馬奎爾的蜘蛛人 4 會在時間線的哪個點上演。 動畫在這裡留下了很大的選擇空間。

有可能,動畫蜘蛛人 4 可以在蜘蛛人 3 停止的地方繼續,托比麥奎爾要求克爾斯滕鄧斯特跳舞。 真人版的最初計劃不太可能被緊緊抓住。 據報導,禿鷲將是主要的反派,安妮·海瑟薇扮演費利西亞·哈迪(黑貓)。 然而,它被放棄的主要原因之一是導演山姆雷米討厭他們的故事。

本段包含一些《蜘蛛人:無家日》的劇透。 自蜘蛛俠 3 以來,《蜘蛛俠:無家日》幾乎沒有透露托比麥奎爾的生活。據說他仍然和瑪麗珍在一起,但並沒有聲稱他們已經結婚。他們可能是,只是沒有說。 當彼得·帕克來到湯姆·荷蘭的世界時,他的衣服下面穿著他的蜘蛛人套裝,所以眾所周知,40 歲的他仍然在打擊犯罪,儘管他的背部有問題。 一個新的蜘蛛人 4 會更多地講述托比麥奎爾的彼得帕克這些年來經歷了什麼,直到《無家日》?還是發生在之後?

在蜘蛛人 3 之後不久接手似乎是最有可能的。 這將是在托比麥奎爾的這個新項目中使用動畫而不是真人表演的優勢的一部分。 《無家日》中提到瑪麗·簡和彼得·帕克結婚了,但這並不容易。 由於蜘蛛人 3 以兩人跳舞結束,蜘蛛人 4 探索更多他們如何使他們奇怪的關係發揮作用似乎很自然。


這次可能會以動畫方式呈現 但目前都是構想階段而已

早上雖然被新聞標題騙進去以為真的製作中 結果內文說只是構想而已 但也夠讓我興奮的了


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※ 編輯: AdmiralAdudu ( 臺灣), 12/24/2021 08:59:30

VoV12/24 09:00可以加入邁爾斯宇宙啊

※ 編輯: AdmiralAdudu ( 臺灣), 12/24/2021 09:00:31

ANava12/24 09:04誰想看尼哥蜘蛛人

peterw12/24 09:04啊不就新宇宙的中年蜘蛛人?

allanbrook12/24 09:05新宇宙不需要他

allanbrook12/24 09:05頂多彩蛋露個臉

eattheapple12/24 09:06賺爛了 賺爛了

lindazoro12/24 09:07財富密碼

chung200712/24 09:09新宇宙3出來就要偷笑了ㄅ

PunkGrass12/24 09:09不期不待 怕把童年搞砸了

qd659012/24 09:21我一直覺得陶比在荷蘭板的人設借鏡新宇宙的中年蜘蛛人

qd659012/24 09:22包括他也說自己跟MJ有些問題還再努力

CAtJason12/24 09:25那我看新宇宙就好了阿

gunng12/24 09:29不過新宇宙的金髮彼得才應該是陶比版 因為連跳舞那段都有演

gunng12/24 09:29出來

followmytype12/24 09:31不是山米雷米導的就沒那味 動畫也看不到陶比演技

rock542112/24 09:33還剛好對上新宇宙的中年版 肯定賺爛

jeffbear7912/24 09:33發現陶比版不錯,但可惜陶比年紀大了就改動畫

Sasamumu12/24 09:34可以陶比版 但拜託mj不要回來==

haupindiedie12/24 09:38$ONY:主要目的不是$$$是要滿足陶比粉願$望$

haupindiedie12/24 09:40尼哥蜘蛛卡通和陶比蜘蛛導演都是山姆雷米

denny843712/24 09:43Bully Magurie要有新梗能用了嗎

god7898712/24 09:46怎麼有蜘蛛俠又有蜘蛛人,是翻譯問題嗎

wai080612/24 09:52蜘蛛俠人

r3030712/24 09:57估狗翻譯呀

Xhocer12/24 09:58我想看加菲版的第三集

AdmiralAdudu12/24 10:05翻譯的蜘蛛人是我手改的 還有俠就是我漏掉

AdmiralAdudu12/24 10:07欸不要一直叫尼哥啦 邁爾斯也是很有魅力的蜘蛛人啊

devilkool12/24 10:08新宇宙的中年帕克滿適合的

adgbw872812/24 10:09直接當成新宇宙的中年蜘蛛人就好了= =

dos3240812/24 10:14陶比版中年生活大概就像新宇宙那樣啊中年危機XDDDD

dos3240812/24 10:15要拍4劇情就走那種英雄找回初心的劇本配上陶比版的配樂

dos3240812/24 10:15看起來應該也是很好哭

efkfkp12/24 10:22中年失業啤酒肚一肚子卡債的中年陶比蜘蛛嗎XD

drsung4812/24 10:38肯定被毀 大家早已偏向屁孩形象的原設定

RandyOrlando12/24 10:47不是原導演拍的就感覺不行啊

knml12/24 10:56中年蜘蛛很新奇啊

md3q6e12/24 11:03哇靠 哭了

SoulFaith12/24 11:14只有加菲沒數到3 能先還他第三集嗎

AdmiralAdudu12/24 13:26我也很想看加菲版續集 那個動作真的太屌了

AdmiralAdudu12/24 13:27陶比版當然也是神 只是我受夠鋼鐵小弟了

artwu12/24 14:41蜘蛛人真的是漫威一哥 怎麼拍怎麼賣

webberfun12/24 17:30別鬧了