[閒聊] 因玩鬥陣特攻起爭執 男子勒死10年男友

看板C_Chat標題[閒聊] 因玩鬥陣特攻起爭執 男子勒死10年男友作者
時間推噓26 推:26 噓:0 →:14

Michigan Man Allegedly Strangles Boyfriend of 10 Years During Argument over
Video Game

Authorities in Michigan allege a 31-year-old man choked his longtime
boyfriend to death last week during an argument over a video game.

PEOPLE confirms through online records that Docquen Jovo Watkins has been
formally charged with second-degree murder.

Although he has been arraigned, plea information for Watkins was unavailable

Police allege in a statement that Watkins called the Oakland County Sheriff'sOffice to his Pontiac residence on Thursday.

According to the statement, Watkins told authorities he and his boyfriend of
10 years, Rory Teasley, had been in a fight.

The argument reportedly started while the two were playing Overwatch, a
popular team-based shooter game.

Watkins told police that Teasley was sleeping, the statement says, but when
deputies arrived the 28-year-old man was unresponsive on the couch.

According to the police, Teasley wasn't breathing, and deputies had him
rushed to a nearby hospital, where medical officials declared him dead.

Watkins is being held without bond.

It was unclear if he had an attorney Tuesday.

"We see far too often across the country these days when people resort to
violence over trivial and insignificant disagreements," Sheriff Michael
Bouchard said. "There is never a reason where violence is acceptable over a
disagreement. Those that do so will be held accountable."

Teasley's death is Oakland County's first homicide of the year.






「基隆?」本資費像個被嚇呆的貓頭鷹,對著哈普羅猛眨眼睛。「好主意!聽說那裡的夜巿不錯── 」


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ymib01/13 14:51一次除兩害

npc77601/13 14:51(╮′_>`)<先從"什麼 居然還有人在玩OW"開始吐槽好了...

GrimmNotes01/13 14:51男子勒死男友??????????????????????????????????????

SangoGO01/13 14:51資訊量過大,先不說Gay,這次又那個鼻屎理由?

Yadsmood01/13 14:51左轉甲版

ahw1200001/13 14:52笑點是2022還有人玩BZ產品

SALEENS7LM01/13 14:52

jhoo5364001/13 14:52吐槽點有點多

ryanmulee01/13 14:52因為過氣遊戲讓男同志殺掉另一半 要素過多

SangoGO01/13 14:52上次是「別人入公開房摸寶」,這次要「他搶我的首殺」嗎

hikari2201/13 14:53這個進監獄如魚得水猛龍出江啊

husky948701/13 14:53無法製作懶人包的等級

pusheen4432101/13 14:53他們其中一個肯定專精76

YandereLove01/13 14:54超甲狂吸

scott03201/13 14:54甲公繫絲

sepzako01/13 14:54

dnek01/13 14:55聽起來就像死神對上76

chuckni01/13 14:55要素察覺

buke01/13 14:55玩一玩變真人版

srxteam093501/13 14:56過期毒品

shuten01/13 14:56死神x76

HJC666601/13 14:57為了過氣遊戲殺人....

scdoom01/13 14:58

kslxd01/13 15:00要素過多

abd8673101/13 15:02兇甲

Pegasus9901/13 15:02看來共雪政策大成功啊 你看這不是有甲甲在玩他們的遊

Pegasus9901/13 15:02戲嗎

Steyee01/13 15:03他是嘴了死神跟士兵76 是不是

saberjohn01/13 15:04I need healing.

Qazzwer01/13 15:06???要素過多

madaoraifu01/13 15:06要素過多

w316082801/13 15:12死神搶了76的精彩是把

JER272501/13 15:22

www115ui801/13 15:29

qaz9567701/13 15:29還在夏天呢

huikmn01/13 15:37就跟你說柯南的動機都很真實呴

philip8150101/13 15:53雪粉呵呵

kirito121901/13 16:55真的要素過多

bye200701/13 17:06還有人玩?

shinelusnake01/13 19:26單殺也能上嗨賴