Re: [討論]中國網民為迪士尼護航,抨擊新聞標題(微博)

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: 推 AtoZatoz0to9: 所以原文是什麼?一堆說斷章取義 05/12 22:50
Seeking Alpha 財報文字檔

Kannan Venkateshwar

A couple, if I could. So Bob, first, I guess, when we think about the
streaming goal, if we are really looking at 240 million subs at the midpoint,with the new ad-supported streaming service, what proportion of the base do
you expect will be on that tier versus normal premium tier, especially given
the fact that now you may have to do more than 50 million subs a year to get
to that goal given the trend lines for this year? So that would be the first
one. And secondly, I don't think Disney has been able to release a movie in
China since 2019. If you could just help us understand what the roadblocks
there are and when we could see some change in that process?

Bob Chapek

Okay. I'm going to start with China. And the situation there has been very
fluid, and as you probably guess, very complicated both from a business
standpoint and from a political standpoint.
But as you know, we've got a longrecord of success and a strong fan base for our brands and franchises in thismarket. And our most recent releases were Death on the Nile and Encanto. And
we'll continue to submit our films for release.

And it's worth noting, I think, though, that at the time that we're having
some difficulty in getting our films in China
that Doctor Strange did
extraordinary. We've just crossed $500 million in less than a week without
this market.
So we're pretty confident that even without China, if it were tobe that we continue to have difficulties in getting titles in there, that it
doesn't really preclude our success given the relatively lower take rate thatwe get on the box office in China than we do across the rest of the world.

Christine, do you want to talk about streaming?

※ 還是貼一些估狗機翻好了


一對,如果可以的話。所以鮑勃,首先,我想,當我們考慮流媒體目標時,如果我們真的在中點看到 2.4 億訂閱者,使用新的廣告支持的流媒體服務,你期望的基礎比例是多少等級與普通高級等級相比,特別是考慮到現在您可能必須每年完成超過 5000 萬次訂閱才能實現這一目標,因為今年的趨勢線?所以這將是第一個。其次,我認為迪士尼自 2019年以來一直無法在中國發行電影。您能否幫助我們了解存在哪些障礙以及我們何時可以看到該過程中的一些變化?



值得一提的是,我認為,當時我們在中國上映電影時遇到了一些困難,奇異博士的表現非常出色。在沒有這個市場的情況下,我們在不到一周的時間內就突破了 5 億美元。所以我們非常有信心,即使沒有中國,如果我們仍然難以在中國獲得電影,考慮到我們獲得的票房相對較低的票房率,這並不會真正妨礙我們的成功在中國比我們在世界其他地方做的多。



So we're pretty confident that even without China

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