[閒聊] 今天下機的是另一個大奶議員會怎樣?

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oldk1308/02 23:10nanomachine son

RoaringWolf08/02 23:10會跨下看你

mayolane08/02 23:11Standing here, I realize

backzerg08/02 23:11靠杯 我還真的看到標題第一個想到他

knight4568308/02 23:12奈米機...欸 真的是他喔

jqp05050208/02 23:12nanomachine son

kramasdia08/02 23:12蛋已經很貴了 先不要

h6041408/02 23:12他能空手接飛彈

maple237808/02 23:13Don’t fuck with this senator

s603141708/02 23:13中國敢惹他就等著被當雞蛋打了

oldk1308/02 23:13這咖還需要什麼護送


ss890123408/02 23:14笑死

laugh856208/02 23:15這誰...

storewater08/02 23:15Die you piece of shit

LAODIE08/02 23:15我想去接機

oldk1308/02 23:16阿姆斯壯

jerryhd92108/02 23:16如我所料

RAPPIRANGAI08/02 23:16那農馬杏桑

wmp12linux08/02 23:16雷電表示

backzerg08/02 23:16i have a dream

twmacaron08/02 23:17standing here i realized

RDcat08/02 23:17Can't fret over every egg

TeamFrotress08/02 23:17End war as a business!

storewater08/02 23:18Don’t fuck with this senator

Koyomiiii08/02 23:18瓦力

protess08/02 23:18nanomachine son

melzard08/02 23:18Why won't you die!

jasonx10508/02 23:19認真說,Armstrong可能會假裝墜機幫美國掰一個出兵理由

knight7708/02 23:19Making mother of all omlette here

jasonx10508/02 23:19Can't fret over every egg.

pttmybrother08/02 23:21應該就不能上色色的網站惹

x90022008/02 23:21Nanomachines, son

ShibaTatsuya08/02 23:24笑死

idiotxi08/02 23:27Making the mother of all omelettes here, Jinping. Ca

idiotxi08/02 23:27n't fret over every egg.

cn556608/02 23:28就不用艦隊也不用伴飛了

www5450008/02 23:29他會比飛機先抵達台灣

louis072408/02 23:30共機尾隨應該會被他拿來當加油棒揮

Oxhorn08/02 23:37腹肌就能擋住飛彈

willytp9712108/02 23:38靠北XD

blueash08/02 23:41他不需要飛機載他吧... 而且我看他一個人就可以打爛對岸

NICEGOGO08/02 23:42遺下飛機,機場先播這首

s8201596908/02 23:44超級鷹派

puro08/02 23:49色情守門員

a951l753vin08/02 23:59nanomachine son

roea68roea6808/03 00:05You can't hurt me Xi!

shlolicon08/03 01:35Make America great again!

appappa1108/03 02:15會把台灣會做歐姆蛋的都叫去飯店

mshockwave08/03 02:15歐姆蕾大師你敢嘴?

lin7952908/03 02:22一下機會衝到你面前貓你一拳

chuchuchang08/03 04:57一群人上去絕望地連打他胸口 standing here

IFeelSoAlive08/03 08:18

ataky08/03 08:37下機一句Let's GO

asabase08/03 09:51會跑過來打

climax130908/03 12:13怕爆