[閒聊] 當你需要工作但你的貓囚禁了你
When you need to work on stream thumbnail but you are imprisoned by cat
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※ 編輯: kuoyipong ( 臺灣), 09/04/2022 17:41:45
第一張圖那梗最初哪來的啊 有看過類似的
3F 應該是這個 電影<牠>
[外絮] 咖哩:確實想在KD走後再次奪冠;嘴綠:咖哩:確實想在KD走後再次奪冠;嘴綠:咖哩肯定想證明KD走錯了 “For sure. You bookend it,” Curry told Yahoo Sports when asked if he wanted to do it without his former teammate. “That’s part of it. But nobody in October thought we’d be here. Now we are. With this group. Not compared to any group be fore it, so it’s pretty dope.”XX
[花邊] Kerr:球員受傷多久,犯規者就要禁多久Kerr:球員受傷多久,犯規者就要禁多久 記者:Tim Kawakami I always feel like on a play like that, a player who commits the action should b e out as long as the player he injured is out. That would make a lot of sense to me. But it's not going to work that way, we know that. It's up to the league to爆
[外絮] KD:我和咖哩不會去控制球隊,我認為LBJ也不會KD:我和咖哩不會去控制球隊,我認為LBJ也不會 “I feel like that’s a narrative that [media created]. I don’t even think LeBr on does that,” Durant told Yahoo Sports. “He might have input or know some inf ormation. But him saying [pointing left], ‘This is who you should get.’ [Point s right.] ‘That’s who you should get,’ I don’t think it works like that.爆
[外絮] 嘴綠:不尊重只有贏球才會跟球迷互動的人嘴綠:不尊重那些只有贏球才會跟球迷互動的人 The Warriors were trailing by 50, though, to that point — flirting with an all- time bad loss in the playoffs. To Green, he wanted to match the energy that fans in Memphis provided as the Warriors clearly didn't do that on the floor with th eir play.96
[外絮] Shaq:KD就想走捷徑,青賽該留下杰倫Shaquille O’Neal Criticizes Kevin Durant for Trade Request “When you put a house together, you should live in it …” O’Neal began. “Y ou, as a leader, should make it work, but you don’t want to make it work; I g uess you go buy another house. You know, he’s probably trying to get to a con82
[花邊] KD與瘋狗貝&網友在推特上吵起來Beverley: Yal can sit and don’t say nothing but that ain’t cool. It’s dudes with fami lies out here who haven’t got a job because of this KD shit. And to be on and off ain’t cool. Blessing Gang87
[外絮] 魔術強森喊話龜龜:Kobe說過你是他的接魔術強森喊話龜龜:Kobe說過你是他的接班人,來湖人必須為總冠軍而戰 It’s no secret that Magic Johnson is not happy about the current state his Los Angeles Lakers are currently in. He’s been critical of this team this season bu t on Saturday night, the Lakers icon absolutely went off. 魔術強森對他所在的洛杉磯湖人隊目前所處的狀態並不滿意,這已經不是什麼秘密了。72
[花邊] Kerr:Curry做到了一切,FMVP不重要Kerr:Curry 做到了一切,FMVP可討論但假議題 SiriusXM NBA Radio 主持人問Steve Kerr 關於Curry FMVP的看法43
[外絮] 抓猛:如果沒有達到預期,湖迷就會讓你抓猛:如果沒有達到預期,湖迷就會讓你知道你不配穿紫金球衣 There is no doubt that the Los Angeles Lakers are one of the most historically a ccomplished franchises in the NBA. They've had a lot of success in the past, and their fans expect the team to be competing for a championship every single year .34
[歌詞] 220613 My You by Jungkook220613 2022BTSFESTA #5 - My You by Jung Kook of BTS cr.BTS@SoundCloud
Re: [討論] 台漫需要的是曝光度 求高雄換掉吉伊卡哇90
[閒聊] 壞菇社的五等份新本 20000DL達成85
Re: [閒聊] 立希是最大的祥黑嗎74
[閒聊] 會去玩十年前老遊戲嗎?63
[討論] 台灣是不是先從小說開始扶持再來想其他56
[討論] hololive演唱會有人遲到不給進場58
[閒聊] 玩空洞騎士不看攻略你真的ok?51
[母雞] 泛式3小時分析第三集 教你嗑祥睦關係性50
Re: [Vtub]爽到升天 的Hololive Taipei演唱會42
[悲報] 地獄樂園腰斬96
[問題] 空洞騎士社群炎上?39
[閒聊] 美國官方爆 ! 原神光美國市場超40億美33
[閒聊] 有遊戲把載具做得實用的嗎?32
[真愛] 賢狼赫蘿35
Re: [閒聊] 蕭峰真的有五絕級嗎?73
[鳴潮] 2.1內鬼,你流水多少??28
[MyGO] 藍毛粉毛怎麼就大冷戰了?23
Re: [討論] 台灣是不是先從小說開始扶持再來想其他24
[孤獨][孤搖]梅原翔太 要談談孤獨搖滾的事24
[母雞卡] 所以若麥妳有別件私服能換膩?77
[閒聊] 我們做的獨立派對遊戲要去台北電玩展了!37
[鳴潮] 我要抽折枝嗎21
Re: [討論] 台灣是不是先從小說開始扶持再來想其他21
[妮姬] 先鋒部隊和釣魚27
[閒聊] 新網球王子438:打網球可以睡覺嗎?19
[母雞] LOL主播偷渡18
[通靈] 任天堂Switch 2對「2」的堅持及發售日?17
[閒聊] 真三國無雙起源 孟德獻刀 XDD27
[問題] 所以MyGO!!!!!不能唱春日影了?