[情報] 2025/01/13~2025/01/19 Weekly Horosco
An ordinary conversation could wind up giving you huge inspiration for a project of yours that has been sitting on the shelf for too long. Someone who knows what you are trying to do may connect you with someone who can offer valuable guidance. Pay heed to this and implement it right away. This really could bewhat you've been missing. Money concerns may take over your thoughts at some point this week, but don't give in to your fears. While you are trying to be realistic, you have a lot of power here to change the trajectory and improve your financial outlook significantly. Things are going to be great if you continue to strategize and work toward your dreams. An attractive romantic interest may appear on the horizon for you this week, glittering with potential! If youare single, this could be "the one." If you are already attached, this may simply mean a shift in the attitude of the person you love to be more affectionate and thoughtful, drawing you closer to each other. You can be shy at times, dear Moonchild, but you will have to fight that on the weekend when you receive an invitation that intimidates you a bit. Be brave and bold and get out there. You could have a fascinating experience.
[情報] 18/05~24/05/2020 Weekly HoroscopeA brightening financial picture may not be obvious to you yet this week, Moonchild, but it is beginning to happen. A level of financial security that you have dreamt of may soon be attainable, albeit with a lot of concentration and hard work. Don't give up on dreams of having what you want because if you dedicate yourself it will be possible. This week10
[情報] 07/09~13/09/2020 Weekly HoroscopeGood fortune is the gift in your hands that is all wrapped up and ready for you to open. But just opening it will not be enough, Moonchild, even though it is meant for you, as indicated by the pretty tag on the bow! No, you will have to tear through the pretty paper and assess what's inside. Then you will have to figure out a strategy to take the gifts bestowed6
[情報] 30/11~06/12/2020 Weekly Horoscope"I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight." That vintage rhyme was uttered by many as a dreamy child while they looked at a night sky filled with stars. This week, Moonchild, whatever you wish has a much greater chance of manifesting. Your energy is extra dynamic and filled with promise, and there are admirers out there who want to see you succeed.3
[情報] 15/03~21/03/2021 Weekly HoroscopeYou may find yourself in a lovely, dreamy mood from the moment this week begins, dear Moonchild. The highs and lows you have been experiencing recently are giving way to a more placid, easy entry into a state of mind that ensures that good things are happening in your life. Allow yourself to float on this realization, and the entire week can be filled with2
[情報] 17/08~23/08/2020 Weekly HoroscopeSometimes it may appear that things come easier to you than they do to other people. This can cause jealousy from others. They may attribute this to your attractiveness, your special talents, or even your connections to people in high places. But what they don't see is that you are quite industrious and hard-working - and you don't give up. If someone seems to2
[情報] 05/04~11/04/2021 Weekly HoroscopeThis is a great week to purposely engage in some of the things that really fulfill you and make you feel happy. You have neglected that side of yourself for far too long, Moonchild, and it is starting to show. Your demeanor has perhaps lost some of its luster, and you may feel a bit like you are dragging. You need to engage in something that lifts your spirit.2
[閒聊] 5/2 ~ 5/8 Daily HoroscopeThis week, Leo, you may be assigned or you may volunteer for a venture that co uld really put your name in the spotlight. You love this kind of a challenge, and this could really do some great things for your financial future. Even tho ugh you are a very independent individual, you may have to work as part of a t eam. And while that's challenging for you sometimes, you can do a great job wi- 本週,某種知識上的連結可能會越來越深,阿牛。如果你單身的話,這可能代表著浪漫的 火花。但如果你已經有對象了,或許你與這個人的關係將會更深刻。不論是哪種方式,這 都是些重大、重要且有意義的事情發生的開端。無論如何,嘗試用不同於平時的方式來安 排在一起的時間-例如吃晚餐、逛博物館或一項吸引你們兩人的事。你可能會發現,這週 你所嘗試的新事物可能會自然而然的地出現在你面前。只是舉例,這件事從溜冰到打排球