[情報] 2024/12/13 Daily Horoscope
Keep the following message in mind today, dear Moonchild: all the trouble youare dealing with now is going to work out well - and in some cases, it is going to work out very well. Allow that to sink in. Allow it to ease your mind and to give you the feeling of security that you need to relax. You may be feeling intensely anxious right now, but that is not warranted. Let go of your worries, and take this message to heart. You have nothing serious to worry about and quite a lot to look forward to. Let that sink in.
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[情報] 10/21 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 21 2021 一個大煩惱可能讓你現在感到非常擔心, 或甚至焦慮, 親愛的魔魔, 但這件事不應該佔據你的思考或造成你的壓力。5
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/20放輕鬆吧,阿牛。如果你沒注意到今天出現的其他訊息,至少這個能好好提點你。你正開始要進行,或者已經深深涉入著對你來說很重要的付出,由於其重要性,或許你覺得壓力很大、焦慮,又擔心不能把它做好。但是,如果你從一個緊繃的心境做為出發點來面對你所做的,你將無法如你所能地富有生產力。你也無法保持開闊的心胸來看待有辦法讓你事半功倍的事情。放輕鬆吧,親愛的阿牛。 Taurus horoscope for Friday Aug 20 Relax, Taurus. If you heed no other message today, this one will serve you well. You are approaching or maybe you are already involved in an effort that means quite a lot to you, and because of its importance, you may be feeling stressed, anxious, and worried about getting it right. But if you approach what you are doing from a state of mind that is tense, you won't be as productive as you could be. You also won't be open enough to consider things that could enhance your efforts. Relax, dear Taurus. -- Copyright c Daily Horoscope.3
[情報] 10/15 the daily horoscopeSome negative feeling or resentment has camped out in your heart, dear Gemini. Although you may think it isn't taking up much room, it isn't leaving you wit h much in the way of "atmosphere." Its hunkering presence is darkening your mo od, even though you may deny its power. The best thing you can do for yourself today is to deal with this. Either seek out a way to make things better, or c3
[情報] 07/12/2020 Daily HoroscopeYour heart may be telling you to go for something that your mind is trying to argue you out of! Maybe this is connected to something that just hasn't worked out in the past, dear Moonchild, and you are tired of trying and then being disappointed. But if your heart still wants to go there, then you should go there. Sometimes it is even more painful to think about what3
[情報] 1/23 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Jan 23 2021 Security is always a primary concern for you, Capricorn. Although many people may say they think about their financial and other types of security a lot, you take it very seriously, and you take the necessary steps to be sure you are safe and sound. Right now, you may have some worries or concerns about2
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/06/02你不太是一個悲觀主義者,阿牛,但是你對即將發生的某件事情卻感到擔憂。這不是因為真的有什麼好擔心的,阿牛,而你通常真的沒有這麼悲觀。你的憂慮可能來自於槓桿不知道是要開多大。讓今天的每日運勢幫你把心放鬆一下吧。讓自己放鬆和享受當下的同時,從美好的氛圍裡得到希望。莫讓思緒飄至那不屬於富足與好運的地方。朝著你的心中所向勇往直前吧,不要瞻前顧後的。 Taurus horoscope for Wednesday Jun 2 You are not usually a pessimist, Taurus, but you may have worrisome thoughts about an event that is about to occur. This is not because there is anything real to fear, Taurus - and you are not usually a pessimist. Your worries may be coming from the idea that there is so much to gain, and therefore, so much to lose. Allow this message to ease your mind. Draw hope from the good vibrations you will feel if you let yourself relax and enjoy the moment. Don't let your thoughts stray toward anything that does not include abundance and good fortune. Head toward and welcome what you want, not what you fear. --1
[情報] 09/01/2021 Daily HoroscopeAn old fear, worry, or regret is like a weight around your ankles. Even though you don't think about it constantly, dear Moonchild, it is always there dragging you down. You may get started on a venture to realize something you want, but as soon as you start to gain momentum, that old weight pulls you back down, reminding you that there is something in your1
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2021/08/22是不是今天一開始就覺得心情像是坐雲霄飛車一樣?與其抵抗它,不如順著它吧,阿牛。在你心裡有很多事情需要釐清。去感受那些與心裡的念頭有關的情緒會對你很有幫助,使你去了解到你真正想要和需要什麼。如果你順著這些情緒,應該就有辦法解決一兩個牽絆著你的麻煩,然後你就能再次感到輕鬆多了。 Taurus horoscope for Sunday Aug 22 You may experience a roller coaster of emotions from very early on today. Instead of fighting it, just roll with it, Taurus. There are things you need to work through in your mind. Feeling the emotions that are attached to those thoughts will be helpful for you, enabling you to figure out what you really want and need. If you roll with those feelings, you should be able to work through a problem or two that has been holding you back, and then you should feel much lighter once again. - Copyright c Daily Horoscope.1
[情報] 09/17 the daily horoscopeYou may be feeling anxious now about an unfolding matter related to money or s ecurity. Do not underestimate the power of anxiety, dear Gemini. Treat it like the enemy, or it could take over your thoughts, weaken you, and break you dow n eventually. The problem you may be facing now will still be there, but you w ill feel even worse about it. Instead, summon your courage and seek out peace