[情報] 2024/12/02 Daily Horoscope
You may now need some warmth, support, and encouragement from the people in your life who should be giving it to you, but you have not received it. There might be a sense of loneliness and loss because of this. Well, Moonchild, please consider this message to be the source for what you need and take it to heart. You are loved. You are talented. You are smart. You are also tough and strong and certainly capable of succeeding with the dream that is at the center ofyour thoughts right now. You can do it! Treat yourself kindly, and the universe will too!
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[情報] 10/21 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Oct 21 2021 一個大煩惱可能讓你現在感到非常擔心, 或甚至焦慮, 親愛的魔魔, 但這件事不應該佔據你的思考或造成你的壓力。11
[吃草] Daily Horoscope for 04/25&26有些在你生活中的人令你憤怒。儘管你可能愛著他們,但他們仍會使用一種別人不曾做過 的方式來影響你。在這些關係中產生怒火時,可能會讓你非常沮喪,並且讓你的一天蒙上 一層陰影。親愛的阿牛,如果你現在正在處理一個麻煩的人物,不需要跟他一般見識,只 要調整你的音量讓他漸漸消失就好。當你接受他的刺激時,只會讓事情變得更糟。因此你 要做的事就是給那個人時間反思自己的行為有什麼問題。5
[情報] 16/04/2020 Daily HoroscopeWhen someone exhibits repetitive behaviors like complaining or expressing wild-eyed dreams, people eventually begin to take them less seriously, or even tune them out altogether. But since we always learn and grow, there is much we can learn from these people. If someone in your life has been a source of irritation because of a certain behavior, instead of being4
[情報] 05/17 the daily horoscopeYou will not need a genie or a fairy godmother to have something that works ou t well for you today, Gemini. You don't need a potion or an elixir, and you wo n't need to wish on a star. No, the only thing you will have to do to have a w onderful moment work out in the best way is to take good care of yourself. You have been all stressed out and upset over something going wrong or making a m3
[情報] 04/01/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou may have had great faith in a dream that others see as unlikely. To you, it seems like the manifestation of that dream would be like fulfilling fate. Don't let anyone who is skeptical come between you and believing that this is possible, dear Moonchild. Stranger things have happened, and if you do feel a sense of destiny about this, then you are3
[情報] 03/08 the daily horoscopeWhen you do something for someone in distress - something that they could have done for themselves - you may be interfering with their evolution. Even thoug h your intentions are good and you only want to help, you may be taking away t hat person's power and their ability to recognize what they are capable of. Yo u may be faced with a situation like this soon, dear Gemini. It might be very2
[情報] 07/04/2020 Daily HoroscopeYou may not have fairy dust at your disposal or the ability to grant wishes at the swoosh of a magic wand, but you do have the power today to help someone significantly. A friend or a loved one may need your warm and uplifting spirit to soothe and inspire them, and that is certainly something you are more than capable of, dear Moonchild. Your empathy and1
[情報] 03/07 Daily HoroscopeAll you may want right now is a safe harbor. Despite your outward demeanor of being tough and brave, Leo, you also have moments when all you want is comfort and a sense of security. The only problem with that is that you rarely make t his known, so people might assume you don't need that kind of reassurance. Sof ten your stance today and allow others to care about you. Just knowing they ar1
[情報] 04/05 the daily horoscopeRemember to whisper rather than shout today if you want to be heard. You may h ave to share a message that isn't especially popular right now, and you may be tempted to use tough tactics to be sure others are listening - especially if you're dealing with stubborn or difficult people. But if you lower the volume and take an easier approach, dear Gemini, your confidence in the message will1
[情報] 06/16 the daily horoscopeYou may be more in need of support and encouragement than usual. Maybe you hav e taken on something that is challenging, and you could use a little extra con fidence. You may have the desire to turn to someone in your personal life, but you're talking yourself out of it because that individual doesn't have the ab ility to be supportive in that way. You can't know for sure, dear Gemini. Mayb