[情報] 03/05/2020 Daily Horoscope
When someone is behaving in a defensive manner, the best way to bring them
out of their shell is with kindness. As someone who spends a fair amount
of time in their shell, dear Moonchild, you can probably understand and
identify with this more than others. If you are trying to reach someone to
form a closer bond or build a foundation for better communication and you
are finding defensive behavior, you know just what to do. A little bit of
kindness and acceptance can go a long way toward building a strong
connection. Anything from a romance to a business alliance can be made
better this way.
[情報] 29/04/2021 Daily HoroscopeYou are often misunderstood, Moonchild. And you are someone who absolutely abhors being misunderstood! That may be because most people don't have the capacity to fully understand someone so deeply intuitive, emotionally rich, sweetly sensitive, and oh so creative. You are a complex creature, and it takes time to know you well. But there is someone in your life, perhaps someone new7
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/08/22有個人可能將你置於一個使你感到防備的位置,並且你或許也以防衛的方式作出反應。你 可能會因為這件事而切斷與自己的連結。但孤立自己並不是正解,親愛的阿牛。你的靈魂 相當溫柔,儘管你偶爾會表現得有點粗暴。但使自己孤獨或躲避任何人都不是你該得出的 答案。繼續表現真實的你,不需要擔心別人在今天做出的行為,即便他們影響到你。那是 他們的問題,並不是你的。5
[情報] 19/04/2021 Daily HoroscopeIs someone in your life saying something and meaning something else? That's very possible right now. Although you have a fair balance of emotional and intellectual comprehension, Moonchild, a current matter may be quite perplexing to you. Perhaps the way someone is behaving is out of character, and you don't know what to expect. But if you let your natural intuition guide you, you will2
[情報] 02/05/2022~08/05/2022 Weekly Horoscope你可能會被要求與一個人或是一群人一起工作,這些人一般被認為是食古 不化或在某些 方面很困難。 希望你願意這樣做,臉上帶著微笑,會給其他人留下最深刻的印象。 這也可能是一個機會,以艱難但最好的方式學習一些東西,它可能對你以後有廣泛的應用 。2
[情報] 03/07 the daily horoscopeEvery house needs a solid, strong foundation. So does every relationship. But although some aspects might be enjoyable, building a foundation can be a diffi cult thing. It takes patience, time, and a lot of work. You may be in that pha se now with a relationship that once seemed more thrilling than it seems now. This is the harder part, but it's necessary, dear Gemini. When you think about1
[情報] 0308 DailyHoroscopeThere may be someone in your life that you would like to be closer to, dear Ca pricorn. Whether this is a friend, a lover, or even a co-worker, building a st ronger bond can make your relationship both more productive and more enjoyable . You tend to be reserved both when you get to know someone and even in your e stablished relationships. But a simple conversation, where you truly open up a1
[情報] 2021/11 Monthly Horoscope月之子,本月你可能只是偶然或通過其他聚會認識的某個人可能會與你更親近。 這可能會成為牢固而有價值的友誼,甚至可能成為浪漫的伴侶。 過去沒有和這個人發生過這種情況,並不意味著它不應該發生,甚至不要去想像。 你一直在做的事情-你一直認為有可能給你帶來巨大成功的事情-可能會突然快速推進。 你在 11 月應該非常富有成效和洞察力,這將幫助你推動這個項目向前發展。1
[情報] 14/07/2022 Daily Horoscope親愛的月之子,你現在可以寫你自己的故事了。 在某種程度上,你一直擁有這種力量,但你可能理所當然地認為,有一些事情是你無法控 制的-比如找到最佳關係的運氣,以及其他可以被視為命運轉折的事情。 但現在,你是如此接近你來時的強大源泉,如果你把你的巨大能量導向它-『以充滿希望 和強大樂觀的方式』,那麼你可以擁有你想要的生活。1
[情報] 2023/03/17 Daily Horoscope星期五 3月17日的巨蟹座運勢 現在是結交新朋友或找一位潛在的戀人的絕佳時機。 也許現在就有一個值得你去認識的人,即使一開始看來沒有那麼突出。 親愛的月之子,不要讓第一印象影響你接近他,也不要讓你的初步感覺成為你最終的判斷 。- Gemini horoscope for 星期四 5月 21 Gemini horoscope for 星期四 5月 21 The stability of a building is in its strong foundation. The stability of a hu man being is the same. Because you are a Gemini, you are on an ever-evolving q uest of seeking ways to transform yourself. This may be through a new career,