[情報] 15/09/2020 Daily Horoscope
Hummingbirds tend to be attracted to bold, bright hues in the garden, such
as red and yellow. That's because they know that those flowers will offer
them the delicious nectar they thrive on. But white flowers and flowers of
other, darker colors also contain what the hummingbirds need. You have
become conditioned to seeking prosperity from a certain source, or a range
of sources. But there may be an alternative source of abundance around you
now, Moonchild. Do not limit yourself by acceptable norms or past
※ PTT 留言評論
[情報] 22/07/2020 Daily HoroscopeA person with a charming demeanor and an optimistic, upbeat attitude could win you over today. When things are looking down, as you may feel they are right as this moment, being presented with a stellar example of hopefulness can make a huge difference. It is not so much what a buoyant person has to offer you, Moonchild, as it is the example itself.2
[情報] 16/08/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期一 8月 16 You may have felt a heaviness all around you recently, Moonchild. This may be emanating from a deep sadness of something that occurred, or a general sense o f not being where you are meant to be. You may not expect it to get better bec ause you can't imagine anything changing in your life that would usher in the2
[情報] 26/09/2021 Daily Horoscope作為孩子的時候,我們的目標有時會基於父母認為對我們最好的東西。 有些人成年後,未曾擺脫這種情況,經常在重大決定上尋求別人的智慧。 雖然這有時可以成為反饋的重要來源,但有時你必須對自己有足夠的信心。 畢竟,你是哪個必須接受選擇的人。 如果你過於依賴他人來做出選擇,那麼也許你需要更好地了解自己需要什麼以及為什麼?2
[情報] 24/12/2021 Daily Horoscope如果你在花園裡種滿了玫瑰、牡丹、金盞花、紫荊...等等,你可能會在期待著一個可愛 的溫室。 但是如果你不照顧它,給它澆水、除草和施肥,它可能不會長成你所設想的樣子。 當然,你可能很幸運,大自然可以提供你一些基礎的培育。 但如果沒有你的照顧,你的花園就不太可能發揮全部潛力。2
[情報] 04/27 the daily horoscopeIf you want to plant pretty flowers in front of your house and you live in an area where there are deer, the deer will probably eat those lovely flowers. Th e only way to stop them is to spray the flowers with some substance the deer f ind noxious or to place them behind a wire barricade. This silly allegory is m eant to remind you that you need to protect something you are now working on.1
[情報] 09/18 the daily horoscopeSpending time in a room that is painted a certain color or decorated in a cert ain way can have an influence on one's mood. We have all had experiences of th is kind, Gemini. Yet we sometimes fail to recognize that the things we surroun d ourselves with can powerfully impact how we see the world. This can include not just colors and environments, but also people we interact with, the things1
[情報] 03/03/2022 Daily Horoscope建議的好壞只取決於其來源。 親愛的月之子,如果你在你不確定的事情上隨意尋求意見,你需要對去哪裡尋求建議要有 所挑剔。 如果你無意中挖掘了一個不了解你的人的想法,有可能會影響他們所見東西的意見,或者 一個事項,那麼它根本不會有太大幫助。1
[情報] 03/08 the daily horoscopeIf there is a fence around a field, but you want to enter that field to have a picnic or to pick flowers, you might try to find a gate or even climb over th e fence to enter. In other words, Gemini, not all fences or boundaries are imp enetrable. You may have gotten so used to a limit in your life - self-imposed or otherwise - that you no longer see it as something you can get beyond. But1
[情報] 05/01 the daily horoscopeSomeone in your life sees you as a source of strength and comfort. They may co me to you soon seeking out something they need. But even though you may not ha ve exactly what they are looking for, Gemini, that does not mean you don't hav e something extremely valuable to share. Whatever you have to give, or don't h ave to give, you are still that steady source of strength and comfort to that