[情報] 2021年1月 Monthly Horoscope
Your romantic life may be in focus this month, Moonchild. You may have
come to a point in an existing relationship where you have given up
getting everything you want. If you are attached, perhaps your mate
doesn't fill certain needs for closeness, or maybe there are frequent
arguments or misunderstandings. But in January, you should find multiple
opportunities to grow closer. This may come about because of something you
experience simultaneously that sheds light on why you came together in the
first place, and this can renew your initial attraction. If you are single,
you may have given up on that person who will be perfect for you. But as
they say, love happens when you least expect it, and that could be the
case for you this month with a serendipitous encounter that leads to
something special. Money and personal security are always paramount in
your mind, and there may be focus on that as well in January. The chance
to repackage an old idea for greater gain could come to you, and this will
be especially exciting because it will allow you to engage in your
creativity, which is something that has always kept you afloat emotionally.
謝謝翻譯 新年快樂~~
謝謝翻譯 以及推簽名檔
謝謝翻譯 ~ 很準的說
[情報] Daily Horoscope 巨蟹座9月運勢這個月裡,一個大嘴巴的朋友有可能會透露一個之前你被排除在外的秘密。自然而然地,你的幼小心靈會玻璃心碎滿地,月之子,而這會讓人隱隱作痛。但是在你做出結論之前,想想其他相關的人。你也許正與某個因為真的不太懂你,而在你身旁小心翼翼的人交涉著,又或者是某人有點嫉妒你並想去握有主控權。如果你去思考一下這個人的個性,你將會發現沒有什麼好擔心或感到失落的。 假如你的戀愛運乏善可陳,本月將是非凡的月份來推動這個部分。你如果單身,一個看似理想的對象將會在最意想不到的地方或情形下出現,保持開放的心胸來面對新對象吧。而如果你已經心有所屬,你將可能發現愛人有意思又刺激的一面,使你靠得更近。 在九月的一個家族聚會,不管是正式場合或是尋常的拜訪,或許會有點棘手。你可能會發現家族中的某人稍微情緒化了一點,而且說錯話可能會挑動他們的神經。對於你所談論的話題謹慎一些,並且試著避免你覺得會點燃戰火的情形。在月底,你可能會是某種彩券的幸運兒唷。 Cancer horoscope for September A chatty friend may reveal a secret that you were excluded from sometime this month. Naturally, your sensitive soul bruises easily, Moonchild, and so this might sting a bit. But before you jump to conclusions, consider all of the players. You may be dealing with someone who walks on eggshells around you because they don't really get you, or perhaps someone who is quite jealous of you and wants to be in control. If you think about the personalities you are dealing with, you will know this is nothing to9
[情報] 2021/05 Monthly HoroscopeYou may hear a lot this month about what other people think is wonderful and impressive about you. This may be exactly what you need to hear right now, Moonchild, especially if you have been feeling isolated or lonely. You are so inside yourself sometimes that you forget how much you have to offer, and an occasional reminder can help you recognize all that is so special about you.5
[情報] Daily Horoscope 魔羯座9月運勢跟上司或某個位高權重的人有關的狀況可能已經讓你壓力很大一陣子了,魔兒。也許你完全知道問題出在哪裡,而你也有辦法好好解釋。不過同時,你知道這麼做是很有可能破壞某件對你來說很重要的事。這個月份,去尋求建議及好好看看手上的牌,尤其是當事情找上你時。是有個不是那麼高風險的方法的。 一個可乘之機或許會在這個月到來,使你能夠讓一段主要關係變得更好。這可能是透過共度時光的形式,並且儘管你一剛開始不是太喜歡這個念頭,擁抱這個機會可以是很棒的事情。說不定這個月你會被邀請參加一個團體或團隊,而這可以是很不錯的想法。但是,如果你打算在其中接受比這更重要的角色,要確保這個角色是有被定義清楚,才不會有任何誤解。 九月對於與你希望能夠更深入去認識的某人破冰是很好的月份。你可能覺得在你生活圈邊緣的某人很有意思。這也許是在你常去的地方天天都能看到的人,或是工作場合、家裡附近。慢慢來就對了,這樣你才能在沒有壓力的情況下認識對方。 Capricorn horoscope for September A situation involving a boss or an authority figure may have been causing you stress for a while now, Capricorn. You may know exactly what is wrong, and you may be able to express it quite well. But at the same time, you know that doing so could jeopardize something that is important to you. This month, seek out guidance and figure out your options, especially if things are really getting to you. There is a solution that won't be risky. An opening may come this month that will enable you to work at4
[情報] Daily Horoscope 一月運Capricorn horoscope for January 2021 Your energy should be high this month and your outlook should be hopeful and inspired. Even if the end of last year wasn't all you hoped it would be, Capricorn, you are starting anew with a fresh vision of what is possible in the year ahead. This is a great month to focus on what is most important to3
[情報] 2022/02 Monthly Horoscope月之子,如果你已經等待了很長時間,等待綠燈照亮某個職業前景, 這可能是在這個月, 它終於發生在你身上。 是的,這將是你夢寐以求的工作或著項目-在那裡你可以陶醉發揮你的創造力,攀登成功的階 階梯,或者至少打開以前關閉的大門和開啟令人興奮的連結。 請保持積極和努力。2
[情報] 06/05 the daily horoscopeSome aspect of your love life could take off in a positive new direction today if that's what you want and what you enable. You may sense that your partner wishes greater closeness if you are attached, and you can contribute to that i f you do so with tenderness and reassurance. Or, if you are single, today migh t be the day to get out there and send out those loving vibrations, asking the2
[情報] 21/02/2022~27/02/2022 Weekly Horoscope本週你可能覺得脫韁的野馬都無法把你從家裡拖走,因為你只想安頓下來,把世界關在外 面。 你本來就是一個以家為重心的人,但現在你覺得特別需要所有舒適和熟悉的東西。 然而你可能無法把自己關在外面,但有很多好的理由可以說服自己! 命運在召喚,機會在眼前。命運在召喚,你的愛情生活、金錢以及與一個舊想法有關的個2
[情報] 2022/03 Monthly Horoscope月之子,這個月你有很多事情要考慮。 你可能在想,這一切都太多了,並想知道你如何能處理現在即將到來的大變化。 而你發起的這一串變化並沒有任何幫助,因為你對自己做出的一個選擇感到困惑和內疚, 而這個選擇現在看來可能正是錯誤的。 而且這也不是你可以撤銷的事情,至少不會有某種懲罰。1
[情報] 2021/11 Monthly Horoscope月之子,本月你可能只是偶然或通過其他聚會認識的某個人可能會與你更親近。 這可能會成為牢固而有價值的友誼,甚至可能成為浪漫的伴侶。 過去沒有和這個人發生過這種情況,並不意味著它不應該發生,甚至不要去想像。 你一直在做的事情-你一直認為有可能給你帶來巨大成功的事情-可能會突然快速推進。 你在 11 月應該非常富有成效和洞察力,這將幫助你推動這個項目向前發展。1
[情報] 13/03/2023~19/03/2023 Weekly Horoscope巨蟹座3月13日至3月19日星座運勢: 本週有人可能會與你聯絡,這個人曾經和你一起工作過,或許是很久以前的事了。 這可能涉及合作想法,或是鼓勵你加入那個人目前的工作團隊。 無論是哪一種情況,這都可能是個好主意。 所以月之子,請一定要問出盤在你心中所有問題,以確保你做出的決定最符合你的利益。