[情報] 22/01/2021 Daily Horoscope
You are an intuitive thinker, Moonchild. Many people born under your sign
are naturally psychic, at least to some degree. But you are unique because
you balance that out with a very rational, down-to-earth mind that allows
you to better distinguish between pure intuition and the influences that
both fear and desire can have on your thought processes. Today you may
have difficulty discerning between a feeling you have and your more
logical side. Quiet contemplation can help you clarify what to do. Try to
avoid doing anything in a haste today.
※ PTT 留言評論
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/11/24貓咪可以毫無顧忌地沿著樓梯扶手或窗台行走。這並不是因為它們對自己的能力有多”自 信”。更可能是因為它們天生就有著某些能力,而平衡與敏捷是它們擁有的自然天賦之一 。它們不需要去思考這些,因為這是與生俱來的本能。但人類有時會傾向於過度思考問題 。你現在可能過度思考著一些事,阿牛。你可能會擔心自己無法勝任一個工作或演講,但 你有著與生俱來的天賦。今天要認知到這點,如果你不想太多,讓它自然流露,就會變得6
[情報] 08/24 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Aug 24 2022 質疑你的感覺和直覺是不一定是件愚蠢事。 就算總是聽從直覺告訴你什麼很明智, 你還是必須要考慮到其他因素, 例如你是不是很有壓力?2
[情報] 11/09/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期六 9月 11 You need to be realistic today, Moonchild, but you also need to be hopeful. Yo u want what you want in the ideal scenario that you have been envisioning beca use that is the nature of a dreamer such as you. However, you have to be pract ical, rational, and patient, too. This is not a message to tell you that you a2
[情報] 12/07 Daily HoroscopeYou may have a deeply emotional urge to reach out to someone now, Leo. Maybe t his is coming from the idea of reconciling with someone from whom you have bee n estranged. Maybe this is to plead with someone to change their mind about so mething. Or perhaps there is some other important reason why you feel the need to reach out. But before you do, you need to recognize that your emotions are1
[情報] 10/22 the daily horoscopeGemini horoscope for 星期四 10月 22 Gemini horoscope for 星期四 10月 22 You move quickly very naturally, Gemini. This is not your studied and well-con sidered response - this is just what is in your nature. You have an agile mind , and you think on your feet. But you may be developing something now that des1
[情報] 06/27 the daily horoscopeLogic does not always jive with intuition. That can be confusing when you are following common sense, and yet, you also have a hunch that doesn't line up wi th the logical side of things. If this is your situation now, Gemini, you may be struggling to find balance between those two ways of figuring things out. S ome things are not logical, and that's what you need to keep in mind today. If1
[情報] 04/13 the daily horoscopeYou happen to be very intuitive, Gemini. You also happen to be very social. Th is may be why you aren't always as reliant on your sixth sense as other signs that are so inclined - such as Pisces and Scorpio. That's because you tend to lean more into what others think, and that affects the feelings you get. Today , though, try not to share a feeling that comes to you in a powerful way. You1
[情報] 20/04/2022 Daily Horoscope你可能有很強的直覺,而且你通常可以用你的直覺來幫助你度過最困難的情況,它有時候 會是無懈可擊的。 如果你超級緊張或擔心,或者恐懼在你試圖做出的決定或選擇中起作用,你的第六感可能 更難進入和依賴,因為這些東西會影響你的感覺。 不過今天,你的敏感度是相當強的。- 月之子,你對自己有信心嗎? 你相信自己的能力,無論你承擔什麼工作都能做得很好嗎? 你相信自己有能力做出好的決定嗎? 如果你不相信,這可能就是為什麼最近的一個選擇不是最棒的。 然而,你確實有一個良好的頭腦和邏輯思維方式-儘管你也有直覺和深刻的情感。
- Don't overanalyze a choice you feel inclined to make. If you do, you might sta rt to distance yourself from that feeling, and you could gravitate to another choice entirely. Would that be a good thing? Probably not. Although you do hav e a discerning mind, and you are good at analyzing situations to separate the good from the bad, right now the best thing to do might be to follow what you