[情報] 18/02/2021 Daily Horoscope
You are feeling really good now, dear Cancer, aren't you? You may be
afraid to admit it for fear of jinxing yourself or finding out it isn't
real, but you are sensing a dramatic improvement in your life. Don't be
afraid to feel that feeling. Furthermore, don't be afraid to believe it is
real and that things are indeed getting better and better. This is more
than good luck. This is a major shift in your life, and it is drawing good
things - really good things - to you. Enjoying this feeling and knowing
that it is real is part of the reward. Don't cheat yourself of that.
現在真的很好? 爸爸到昨天為止明明只是不小心摔傷不太能走
到今天變成要插管 要等不知何時才等得到的隔離加護病房
那我真的很想知道 我到底那裏做的還不夠好....
[吃草] Daily Horoscope 2022/03/16親愛的阿牛,事情正在朝著好的方向發展,或至少它給你的感覺是這樣的。也許你無法確 定具體會發生什麼變化,但你應該對你的生活與未來有種正向的預感。然而,你是個眼見 為憑的人,你通常會需要證據來證實一些事物。試著用信念代替吧,你的驗證只是種為了 讓自己放心而產生的良好感覺而已。但你的確正朝著正確的方向前進著。 ———9
[吃草] Weekly Horoscope for 04/18-04/24你是否曾經做過一個飛在空中的夢呢?或許是在你的房間裡飛來飛去,又或者你飛出了房 間,到了一個想去的地方。這個夢可能相當真實。那些做過這種夢的人說它讓人感到非常 自由。不過即使你沒有做過這樣的夢,你也可以讓自己不受限制的去做想做的事,感覺自 己擁有無限可能。這週是個好時機去嘗試,阿牛,因為你的憂慮感減少了許多,並且更有 能力去實現你的夢想。在未來的日子裡,你所做的努力都會在人生中被當成是一件神奇的5
[情報] 04/06 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Apr 06 2022 當你安逸於某件好事一定會發生的信念, 你可能會感到害怕, 因為通常這樣它就不會成真, 這是常見的迷信,魔魔,4
[情報] 05/01/2022 Daily Horoscope任何事情的成功,事業、關係、創意項目-都可能與好運氣和好時機有很大關係。 但不要低估努力工作和獻身精神對成功的更大價值。 你可能害怕開始新的事情,因為你已經對它感到無望的態度。 月之子,你可能覺得現在運氣和時機都不在你身邊,但這其實是最不重要的。 如果你決心要成功,你最終會成功的,這需要你現在的關注。3
[情報] 15/09/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期三 9月 15 News that comes to you soon may be even better and more interesting than it se ems at first. You may be at a point where you are afraid to get your hopes up too high, Moonchild. You may have had a number of disappointments recently. Bu t hope is free, and in fact, it fuels good energy, causing it to surround you3
[情報] 29/10/2021 Daily Horoscope你生活中的某個人可能在你覺得非常吸引人的事情上與你意見不一。 親愛的月之子,不要讓它減弱你的感覺。 每個人都有不同的感知事物的方式,而你對事物的感受對你來說才是真實的。 我們的看法是由我們的背景和我們自己的個人經歷和品味形成的。 如果你讓別人根據他們的看法來左右你的慾望,那麼你做出的選擇就不是關於你自己-而3
[情報] 22/11/2021 Daily Horoscope你現在可能處於這樣的狀態,「你想知道當有好事發生時,會有什麼壞事降臨在你身上。 」 如果你現在是這樣想的,月之子,那可能是因為你覺得自己被壞運氣所困擾,讓你覺得自 己不值得擁有好運氣。 不過,你不能僅僅通過承認這一點來改變你的運氣。2
[情報] 12/04 the daily horoscopeWhen you wake up in the morning after having a bad dream, it can be very hard to shake that feeling. Even as you go about your day doing all the things you have to do, that dark cloud may seem to follow you - even though it isn't tang ible or even real. If you let it go on like that, it can become a sense of for eboding, and a sense of foreboding - real or imaginary - can take on a life of1
[情報] 05/15 the daily horoscopeYou may be afraid to be too optimistic about a situation that is now evolving. You may be afraid that if your hopes are too high, you will jinx yourself and something will go wrong. That's superstitious nonsense. You should never igno re the feeling that things are going to go well. You shouldn't press those fee lings down, or be afraid that you can somehow create a bad outcome. As long as- 月之子,今天不要怕自己想得太遠。 不要害怕要求並相信你可以完全擁有你想要的東西。 如果你限制了自己,那麼自然你只能得到你所限制的要求。 花點時間研究一下你最近對自己期望值較低的嗜好。 難道你不應該得到更多嗎?難道你就不能得到嗎?宇宙是否對你有怨恨?