[情報] 01/03/2021 Daily Horoscope
You feel things very deeply, Moonchild. Sometimes you feel things too
deeply so you need to protect yourself from hurt and worry. Today your
feelings may be so intense that you could cry at the drop of a hat. That's
why it is important for you to steer clear of situations where you might
become overly emotional and perhaps say something that you should not say
and might even regret later on. Try to create a day that is productive and
happy by channeling your emotions into something hopeful.
※ PTT 留言評論
[情報] 02/09 the daily horoscopeYou may be craving the comfort of a good friend, the coziness of home, or the security of knowing where you stand with something. Whatever you need right no w, Gemini, make it your priority for the day. Seek it out, and don't stop unti l you find it - you will find it. A deep need is one that needs to be addresse d, and you may be feeling things especially deeply right now. So, give in to w2
[情報] 10/06/2021Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期四 6月 10 Cancer horoscope for 星期四 6月 10 You are a highly emotional person, Moonchild. In fact, yours is one of the mos t emotional of all the signs. But sometimes, as you know, those emotions get a way from you, and that can result in certain problems and conflicts. You may h2
[情報] 13/06/2021Daily HoroscopeSome people seem to have a naturally happy and carefree outlook on life. You m ay wish you could be that way at times as well, Moonchild. Since you are so se nsitive, and you feel so deeply, you often take on the moods of those around y ou, and it can affect you pretty profoundly. And although there will always be difficult circumstances, sadness, anger, and so on - there is also always joy2
[情報] 28/08/2021 Daily HoroscopeCancer horoscope for 星期六 8月 28 You may not be able to rationalize or even explain why you keep doing somethin g that makes you feel hopeful. Maybe you are being criticized for it. Maybe ot hers just can't see why you feel as you do, so they see you as somewhat irresp onsible. But you are someone who operates mainly based on the way you feel abo2
[情報] 10/01/2022 Daily Horoscope下雨過後的彩虹。 它們可以提醒你,美麗的事情可以在暴風雨後發生。 你可能覺得自己正處於一個困難時期,儘管你的生活中有很多值得感謝的東西,但你敏感 的靈魂對一切都有深刻的感受,所以挑戰會對你產生深刻的影響。 有提醒你事情會變好的東西對你很重要,月之子,因為它讓你充滿希望的心堅持下去。2
[情報] 08/27 the daily horoscopeAnger. Hostility. Regret. Guilt. Sadness. None of these are desirable feelings , Gemini. Even so, you may have been coddling one or more of these emotions an d it's getting to you. You may not believe that you have any other choice, but you certainly do. By indulging in damaging emotions, you are carving a certai n path for yourself. The thoughts you nurture and the words you express are ca2
[情報] 12/07 Daily HoroscopeYou may have a deeply emotional urge to reach out to someone now, Leo. Maybe t his is coming from the idea of reconciling with someone from whom you have bee n estranged. Maybe this is to plead with someone to change their mind about so mething. Or perhaps there is some other important reason why you feel the need to reach out. But before you do, you need to recognize that your emotions are1
[情報] 07/10/2021 Daily Horoscope你的生活中似乎缺少某些東西,因為你對它有如此深刻的感受,它留下了深深的痛苦。 儘管你頑強地尋找自己非常想要的東西,但你還沒有找到。這可能是因為你有理想化的傾 向,月之子。 你可以有一種很好的感覺,知道你想要的感覺,而無需縮小獲得這些感受的方式。 對可能超出你預期的事情持開放態度-生活中有些事情是你還沒未發現的,如果你給它一1
[情報] 19/01/2022 Daily Horoscope月之子,一個混亂或令人不安的時刻可能讓你最近處於一種情緒化的狀態。 因為你是一個非常敏感和情緒化的人,你可能對別人的反應很不穩定、也許你發了脾氣、 也許你變得不理智地不安,而現在你可能對它深感後悔-也是因為你是敏感和情緒化的。 你的感受表現在你的臉上,所以很難受-但不要再為難自己了。 如果你感覺不好,就道歉或作出補償。然後讓它過去。- 你已經把一些東西藏在心裡,也許已經有很長一段時間。 這不像你,親愛的月之子。 儘管你碰巧是一個情緒化、感性的人。 在這種情況下,這是你非常私人的事情,分享它或表達它給你的感覺要困難得多。 但是透過讓你的想法暴露在光天化日之下,你可以開始讓事情再次變得美好。