[情報] 10/04/2021 Daily Horoscope
A blueprint is not a house, and a plan is not the manifestation of a dream.
Realistically, Moonchild, you know this. But you may be so enthused and
involved in a vision of what can be that you are willing to jump into it
without a real plan of action. You may think that you can wing it, and
maybe you can. You have the talent and the tenacity to do so. But if you
take some time now, before you start applying yourself to that dream, then
it will be an easier path for you. Set aside some time to map out your
journey, and reward yourself with a clearer, more confident experience.
[情報] 12/21 Daily HoroscopeCapricorn horoscope for Dec 21 2021 對那些熟練於使用電鋸的人來說, 從傾倒的樹上砍柴是相對簡單的工作, 但對於那些覺得使用電鋸不安全、 或是沒有電鋸的人來說,2
[情報] 07/07 the daily horoscopeYou may have become so entrenched and dependent upon some element of your life that you no longer think about doing anything different - even if you still h arbor fantasies about another pathway. Whether this is a relationship, a job, or a dream that you still think about, don't let that predictable constant in your life stop you from at least considering that other path. This is an excel2
[情報] 2023/03/24 Daily Horoscope巨蟹座3月24日星期五的運勢 你不是一個容易放棄的人,月之子。 你固執且致力於你所設定的目標。 這種韌性是你的星座中最為人所認識的特點之一。 但當你思考著一個你長期以來所培育的夢想時,你可能感到困惑、失落或絕望。2
[情報] 2023/04/06 Daily Horoscope你對某個計畫的期望非常高,但事情可能並沒有按照你所希望的方式發展。 你是一位理想主義者,月之子,當事情不如你所預期時,你會感到宇宙與你作對,特別是 因為你非常努力地追求自己想要的事情。 但如果你給這個改變一個機會,你可能會發現它其實非常美好。 而且更重要的是,你不需要因為喜歡現在的情況就放棄其他夢想,那些可以在未來實現。1
[情報] 08/07 the daily horoscopeThere comes a time when you must set aside your thoughts and plans and strateg ies and actually get down to business. You may be so nervous or apprehensive a bout starting something new that you have not yet gone beyond those initial pl anning stages, dear Gemini, but now is the time for action. And with your ener gy and natural verve, once you get started, you will be like a cyclone moving1
[情報] 04/26 the daily horoscopeThe people who eventually find big success in life know exactly where they are going. From the outside looking in, they seem confident and sure of what they have to do to achieve their dreams. But that is not always the reality, Gemin i. You have a plan or a dream for yourself, but you may not have the certainty about it that you think you should have. That does not mean you won't find su1
[情報] 05/06 the daily horoscopeYou may have spent a lot of time working on a plan, and a lot of time reassuri ng yourself that your plan was the best one possible. But somewhere along the way, Gemini, you may have become so ensconced in your certainty that this was the best path that you stopped being open to other options. If another idea or possibility comes to you today, be open to it - even if you are certain that1
[情報] 11/02/2022 Daily Horoscope我們大多數人都把自己的夢想至少分為兩類。 有一些僅僅是我們時常進行的幻想,有些是那些看起來更像現實可能性的夢想。 你可能希望這些幻想中的一個是可以實現的, 親愛的月之子,它真的是可以實現的! 不要把自己限制在舊的期望中,或者被一個如此大、如此快樂的夢想限制,以至於你無法- When a house is being built, the first step is a design and a blueprint. It is the guideline for everything that the house will become. You may be wondering why something you have worked hard to accomplish is experiencing a lot of pro blems, or why you are not making the progress that you should have by now. Cou ld it be, Gemini, that some element - such as a "blueprint" - is missing? Goin